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Japanese Akita

2022-04-25 / 673 Read
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Japanese Akita/Japanese Akita Breed Introduction

Akita is the national dog of Japan, its ancestor, known as mountain hunting dog. Originally, large dogs did not exist among Japanese dogs, and Akitas were large bear hounds. In addition to assisting in bear hunting, it has also been used to hunt deer and wild boar. During the Edo period, the Akita region in the northern part of Dewa was pacified by the Satake clan. The Satake clan was a collateral vassal who was transferred to Hitachi after the Battle of Sekihara. During the Keicho period (around 1630), in order to cultivate the fighting spirit of the domain lords, the hunting dogs were bred with the native dogs of the Akita region. This dog breed became the original breed of the Akita. In the touching movie "The Story of Hachiko, the loyal dog" about dogs The dog "Xiao Hachi", the protagonist of the dog, belongs to the Akita dog category.

Physical balance, strong and tight bones, well-developed tendons, tendons, and toughness, and no loose skin. The male and female are distinct, the body length is longer than the body height, and the ratio of body height to length is 100:110. The female body is slightly longer than the male body, but the male body height is 66.7cm (2 feet 2 inches); the female body height is 60.6cm (2 feet). The difference between the upper and lower sides is 3.03cm (1 inch) as the allowable range.

In addition, the ratio of body height to chest depth is approximately 2:1.

Because the Akita dog is divided into Japan and the United States, the body size is also slightly different. The Japanese Akita dog has long legs, a slender body, and mostly two-color hair. The American Akita has shorter and thicker legs, the overall body is stronger than the Japanese, and the hair is mostly white, black and brown.

The development of Akita Inu

It was originally a dog breed formed after the Chinese pastoral dog was introduced by the Japanese and developed by others. It originated in the 17th century and originated in Japan. Its ancestor was a mountain hunting dog called Akita Hunting Dog (Akita アキタ). It was bred by Japanese nobles who were exiled to Akita Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. They accompany their owners when hunting large prey such as bears in the local area. Akita dogs are highly regarded in the Japanese origin. It was officially recognized as Japan's national precious animal in 1931.

In Japan, the hometown of Akita dogs, this dog is one of the six Breed of one of the dogs. Akitas have a good nature, extraordinary courage, and are very docile. In the mountains of northern Japan, Akitas are capable working dogs.

The Akita is the most representative dog breed in Japan. The Akita Inu was originally a hunting dog, and was later improved to become a large Japanese dog. The Akita dog's origin is in Akita Prefecture, Japan, so its name was born. It has now become part of the family dog and is loved by people. In the 17th century, the Akita local Satake Marquis, in order to motivate the samurai, trained Akita Hounds as fighting dogs, and the Akita Inu was gradually improved in size. During the Showa period in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century, Japan began to gradually prohibit fighting dogs, and the number of Akita dogs fell sharply. Later, some people advocated protection and became known as the national dog.

Because the Akita dog is loyal to the owner and family, very stable personality, docile to family members, and very alert to strangers or things, it has always been popular in Japan as a dog breed with the best relationship .

Japanese Akita/Japanese AkitaCharacteristics

AkitaAdvantages: quiet; loves cleanliness; extremely friendly to people; small body odor; alert.

Akita Disadvantages: Aggressive. (Especially in male dogs)

Spiritual significance

The Akita also has important spiritual significance. In Japan, the Akita is regarded as a faithful companion, a protector of the family and a symbol of good health. When a family has a child, they usually receive a figurine of an Akita dog, a symbol of health, happiness and longevity. If someone fell ill, friends would send him an Akita statue to wish him a speedy recovery.

The Akita has a very close relationship with family members and friends, and the friendly relationship with people allows the Akita to grow up healthy. For a long time, Japanese mothers could safely leave their children in the care of Akita dogs. Whenever the family is threatened, the Akita will stand up to protect the family.

Compared to the ancient Japanese dogs engraved on early Japanese tombstones, today's Akitas are larger and more modern. The erect ears and tail rolled toward the back make the Akita unmistakable.

Japanese Akita Inu/Japanese Akita InuLife Habits

Shen Yi, majestic and powerful, with a sense of loyalty, simplicity, simplicity It is elegant, sensual, dignified and flexible in manner.

Akita, originally a hunting dog , Fighting dogs, after a long period of improvement, are now kept at home as family dogs.

However, it still retains its hunting and fighting spirit. It will chase when it sees small animals, and it will be aggressive when it sees other dogs. Two Akita male dogs, put together, will fight 99% of the time. One male and one female are in peace.

It is very friendly to humans and children, and if the place is large enough, it is very suitable for family raising.

Japanese Akita/Japanese AkitaAdvantages and disadvantages

AkitaAdvantages: quiet; loves cleanliness; extremely friendly to people; small body odor; alert.

Akita Disadvantages: Aggressive. (especially for male dogs)

Japanese Akitas/Japanese AkitasFeeding methods

It should be noted that according to Akita grow up and let the Akita eat a dog food that suits it. Puppies eat puppies, adult dogs eat adult dogs, old dogs eat old dogs, fat dogs eat fat dogs, don't confuse them, so as not to be too fat or too thin.

The nutritional content of dry food is relatively stable and average. From chewing, the dog can remove the calculus and relieve itching. However, if there is a problem of secreting stones, try to avoid dry food unless it is a prescription diet for stones. According to the price of canned food, the nutrients are also different.

High-priced food uses better materials, while low-priced canned food is mostly uncrushed internal organs. The disadvantage is that there is a lot of meat, the odor in the defecation is strong, and it is easy to grow calculus after eating for a long time. Dry food is not as tasty as canned food, but it is easy to digest and absorb, and bowel movements are not so smelly.

Snacks can be used for raw training and this training when dogsA reward for doing it right. Do not give the dog a snack that people eat, as it will easily spoil its appetite. Chewing gum, ice cream, cakes and other desserts should be avoided. After eating too many desserts, the biggest problem is that the dog has no appetite for the main meal.

When the little Akita dog is just born, it is fed with mother's milk and weaned when teething. You can start feeding it liquid food, canned meat and warm boiled water to make a paste, or dry puppy food and warm water to soften it. . At two months of age, you can start eating puppy dog food. The Akita dog is big and grows fast. You can add some calcium powder and other nutritional products to the main meal, but it must be taken according to the doctor's instructions and the recommendations of the instructions.

The Akita Inu was previously cultivated as a hunting dog and is very bloody. Some dog owners like to feed their dogs raw meat, but the raw meat contains a lot of bacteria and parasites. a disease. Also, pay attention to the dog food when the dog is weaned. Take your time, the dog's stomach must have a process of adaptation. Many Akitas do not have very good stomachs and it is best not to let them eat raw meat.

Japanese Akita/Japanese AkitaIdentification selection

Akita: Japanese Akita (Japanese Akita) is a dog breed formed after the Chinese garden dog was introduced by the Japanese and developed by the family. Originating in the 17th century, it originated in Japan and was cultivated by Japanese nobles who were exiled to Akita Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. They accompany their owners when hunting large prey such as bears in the local area. Akita dogs are highly regarded in the Japanese origin.

1. Akita dog selection method and steps:

1. First-time breeders, before purchasing, should find some introduction information about this dog , to study carefully, to further understand the appearance of the dog and the characteristics of each part of the body, to understand the appearance and living habits of the dog, so that you can have a clear picture when purchasing and avoid purchasing mistakes.

2. The Akita Inu has a large skull, an inverted triangle that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. If the head is too small, or the face is square, it does not meet the standard of the dog's appearance and should not be selected.

3. Akita's eyes are small, slightly triangular, with black eyes and edges. If the eyes are round, large and light in color, it does not meet the requirements of the dog's appearance standard.

4. The Akita's ears are erect, triangular, with the tips pointing up and the ear sockets facing forward. If the ears are too large or drooping and do not conform to the appearance characteristics of this dog, it is not suitable for selection.

5. Akita's hair is double coat, the upper coat is slightly longer and thicker, and the lower coat is thick and fine. The hair is shorter on the head, legs, and ears, longer on the arms and shoulders, and longer on the tail. The color of the hair is generally white, tiger striped or variegated.

6. A healthy Akita has a black nose when wet. The body is muscular and compact, the chest is broad and well developed, and the limbs are strong and powerful.

7. Akitas should neither be too big nor too small. When choosing an Akita, you can ask for the relevant health certificate and pedigree certificate from the seller. To determine whether the Akita dog is purebred and healthy.

Second, Akita dog selection precautions:

Before choosing a healthy Akita dog, you must first understand the personality characteristics of the Akita dog. If the research on the Akita dog is not detailed, you can invite a professional to accompany you when selecting.