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Irish Terrier

2022-04-18 / 467 Read

  Alias           Irish Red Terrier    

  English name           Irish Terrier    

  weight           (Male) 12.2kg      (Female) 11.4kg    

  Size           (Male) close to 45cm      (Female) close to 45cm    

  Original Origin           Ireland    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise: Trainability:  
saliva Degree:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  

Irish Terrier


Alias (Irish Red Terrier). Originating in County Cork, Ireland, it is generally believed to be a breed formed by the mating of black, tan and wheat-colored stalks. Coarse and long-legged, with a special appearance, it looks a bit like an Ayr Valley Terrier. The breed was established in 1879 and its standards have not been revised since then. It has an elegant body and a beautiful appearance. To keep the dog and maintain its elegant appearance, the coat needs to be trimmed and groomed frequently.

FCI Standard for Irish Terriers

Irish Terrier

Alias: Ireland Red Terrier The Irish Terrier's temperament reflects his early background: he was a family pet, guard dog and hunting dog. He is good-natured, energetic, and likes to play games.

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Irish Terrier


Ireland, originated in the 18th century.

Irish Terrier


of Temperament reflects his early background: he served as a family, guard and hunting dog. He is good-natured, energetic, and likes to play games. Irish Terriers always show enthusiasm and energy. The Irish Terrier's biggest characteristic is carelessness, and it likes to rush forward recklessly and recklessly to attack opponents, thus earning the breed the honorable title of "Dreamless". He has a good temper and is completely loyal to humans. These rude, reckless fellows, with their love and thoughtfulness, protect their masters, mistresses and children, never afraid of any danger. His life was filled with loyalty, fidelity and dedication. He can keep his family out of danger.

It is gentle, courageous and athletic. Lively and lively, indifferent to opponents, full of courage without consequences, it has earned it the title of "reckless and daring dog". But socially, it is friendly, affectionate, and absolutely loyal to humans. This rugged, brave but friendly and tolerant dog has always been a protector from danger and harm to its owners, women and children. Its life is a life of loyalty and dedication, an unbreakable wall between family and danger. The Irish Terrier is a family pet, guard dog and hunting dog. Suitable for urban life; can adapt to cold climates; requires frequent grooming; not easy to get along with other dogs, will be troublesome; requires a lot of physical training.

 Pet Encyclopedia: Detailed Information of Bloodhound

FCI criteria:

[Head] Long but in proportion to the rest of the body; Eyes slightly spaced apart. Few folds are seen except laterally. The jaw is strong and powerful, but the cheeks are not very full and of moderate length. The front face should not fall between or under the eyes, on the contrary, it should be shown with finesse. An exaggerated front face, or a noticeably short face affects head balance and is not ideal. The foreface and skull should be proportional in length. Too much muscle on the cheeks, or bony bulging at the temples, what people describe as "cheeky" or "hard-headed" or "thick skulls," are annoying. A "bumpy" head, in which the skull structure above the eyes is bulging, is also defective. The upper and lower layers of hair should be similar in texture and long enough to show their strength. A goat-like beard or lack thereof is disqualified.

Teeth—should be strong, symmetrical, white and powerful, not too long or too short. Lips - Closed, of good size, almost black in color. Nose - black. Eyes - Dark brown, small, not prominent, lively, intelligent, expressive. Yellow eyes are a defect. Ears--Small, V-shaped; of medium thickness; set on the proper part of the head, looking forward close to the outer corner of the eye. The tips of the ears should be exactly on the level of the skull. Hound-like "dead" ears are a serious defect. This is not a characteristic. The hair on the head should be as short as possible and darker than the rest of the body.

【Neck】of moderate length, gradually widening toward the shoulders, usually slightly fringed on the sides of the neck, extending almost to the corners of the ears.

【Arm and Chest】Shoulders must be strong, long, and evenly sloping back. The chest is deep and powerful, but not too round or too broad.

【Body】Slightly longer. The short hindquarters is not a characteristic of the Irish Terrier, but a defect. The hindquarters should be strong and straight, with no slack behind the shoulders. The loin should also be strong, slightly arched, with fully protruding ribs, deep rather than rounded, to the level of the elbows. The female dog is longer than the male dog.

【Hindquarters and buttocks】The hindquarters are strong and powerful; the thighs are strong and the hocks are close to the ground, but not curled. It should have good elasticity, be of the right length, and be covered with hard, coarse hair.

【Foot and Legs】The feet are strong, round and slightly arched toes, neither abduction nor inversion, with black toenails. The soles of the feet are deep and must be round, without corns, and cracks are not necessarily a sign of bad feet. In fact, the feet of all breeds occasionally develop cracks for various reasons. Legs slightly longer, in proportion to the shoulders, erect, with strong bones, well muscled, walking without crossing the elbows, short, straight, and barely noticeable. The front and rear legs are moved straight forward when traveling; the rear knee is not abducted. "Cow-like tarsus" does not meet the criteria. Legs are not feathered, only covered with hair of a similar texture to the body and well covered.

【Coat】The coat is rich and dense, with a wire-like texture, giving a discontinuous appearance, but is densely entangled and clinging to the skin, making it difficult to see the skin even when separated by hand. The long, loose coat is soft or silky, but does not alter the shape of the body, especially on the forehead. The coat on the underside of the body is not as rough as that on the back and other parts, but is full and of good texture. The inner coat is fine and soft with high brightness. A single coat without an undercoat and a wavy coat are not ideal. Curly and stray hairs are the biggest flaws.

【Color】The overall color should be bright red, golden yellow, red yellow or wheat color. Dogs with occasional white patches on the chest are acceptable, but not ideal. Any whiteness on the rest of the body is the biggest flaw. Puppies are born with black hair that disappears before maturity.

【Size】The ideal weight for a male dog to meet the display conditions is 12.2 kg and a female dog is 11.3 kg; the height is about 45.7 cm. These data are a reference for breeders and referees. In the show competition, the referee mainly judges whether the Irish Terrier meets the standard based on body and appearance. Weight does not play a decisive role in judgment. Appropriate size and other characteristics are all that matters to an Irish Terrier.

【General Appearance】The overall appearance of the Irish Terrier is especially important. In terms of morphology, the parts must be well-proportioned, proportioned and coordinated, which means they must show the characteristics of the Irish Terrier. The dog must be active, metallically flexible, and lively and lively in action. The physique and bone structure should be strong without being clumsy as speed, strength and endurance are necessary for the dog. The Irish Terrier should be an organic combination of racing speed and perfect appearance.

[Temperament] The temperament of the Irish Terrier reflects its early background, it is a family, guard and hunting dog; it is gentle, courageous and athletic. Lively and full of life is the most important thing to the Irish Terrier, indifferent to the opponent, full of courage without consequences, it has earned it the title of "reckless and daring dog". But socially, it is friendly, affectionate, and absolutely loyal to humans. This rugged, brave but friendly and tolerant dog has always been a protector from danger and harm to its owners, women and children. Its life is a life of loyalty and dedication, an unbreakable wall between family and danger.