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2022-05-07 / 1076 Read

  Alias           Italian Greyhounddog    

  English name            Greyhound

  Weight           (Male) 32kg      (Female) 29kg        

  Size           (Male) 76cm      (Female) 69cm    

  Origin           Middle East    

  Price           2500-4500 yuan    

Stickness:  Happiness: 
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:  Kids Friendly:  
opposite Friendly people:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level:  Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  City Fitness :  



Originated in Greece, Turkey and other Mediterranean regions in the time of the Pharaohs around 500 BC , the Middle Ages extended to southern Europe. This kind of skeleton has also been found in the ruins of Pompeii, and a dog mummy with a similar image has also been found in the coffins of ancient Egypt. Greyhounds and small species were widely loved by people, especially nobles, in medieval Europe, and were raised for ornamental purposes. In fact, the heads used on the medallions are usually greyhounds, and the image of greyhounds can be found on the helmets of the French royal family and Henry VIII of England. Greyhounds can exert their excellent speed, even when hunting small animals such as hares, they will never make mistakes.

The Greyhound is one of the oldest dog breeds. It is a purebred dog, and its shape has not changed since ancient times. The first trained to use vision to track prey, the sight type is the fastest dog in the world, reaching speeds of up to 64 kilometers per hour. However, the prototype of this dog is not very delicate, but it is also suitable for doing.

FCI Standard of Greyhound


Alias: Tall The Spaniel is an excellent sheepdog. Because of its small size, beautiful coat, smart and kind, empathetic, sensitive, emotional, well-mannered, and caring for children, it has become a caring companion dog for people.

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The origin is the Middle East, and later Persian merchant ships arrived in Europe. Greyhounds and small species were widely popular in medieval Europe by people, especially nobles. They are loved and fed. In fact, the heads used on the badges are usually greyhounds, which can be found on the helmets of the French royal family and Henry VIII of England. Greyhounds can develop their excellent speed, and even when hunting small animals such as hares, they will never make mistakes. Since ancient times, hares have been the chasing competitors of greyhounds. Now, for training, artificial machines are rabbits and let them do chasing activities.



Original is excellent. Because of its small size, beautiful coat, smart and kind, empathetic, sensitive, emotional, well-mannered, and caring for children, it has become a caring companion dog for people. At home, it can also be used as a guard dog. Greyhounds are the best and can also be used as show dogs, however, breeders must pay extra attention to the diet and exercise of this breed.


FCI standard:

Nature: Nervous, emotional, well behaved, caring for children. This breed is the best and can also be used as a show dog. However, breeders must pay special attention to the diet management and exercise of this breed.

Head: Long, broad between the ears. Horizontal cranial and prominent forehead, deeply concave and strong jaws.

Ears: The ears are set back, folded back and down, small and thin.

Eyes: Dark, but bright, oval in shape, intelligent and lively expression.

Body: Broad, strong back with long ribs. The chest is thick, and the chest cavity is very large to accommodate the strong and powerful heart. The abdomen is curved like a bow, strong and powerful.

Coat: Fine, dense, black, white, red, mustard, brindle, fawn, blue, and white and any combination of colors.

Limbs: Long, powerful, with well muscled and robust thighs.

Foot: Greyhound has long toes, solid close together, with raised joints, resembling rabbit feet, with strong fleshy toes.

Tail: Slender, thin at the end, slightly curved, set low at the base.

Height: Male: 71~76cm Female: 68~71cm