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German Shorthaired Boonta

2022-03-14 / 573 Read
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  • City Moderate:

  • Cold Hardiness:

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German Shorthaired Pointer Breed Introduction

German Shorthaired Pointer Shorthaired Pointer), also known as the German Shorthaired Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer dog, origin Germany , originated in the 18th century, is an all-purpose hunting dog, a multi-purpose gun dog capable of performing a variety of difficult tasks in water and on land.

Chinese name : German Shorthaired Pointer

English name: German Shorthaired Pointer

Alternative name: German Shorthaired Pointer, German   Shorthaired Pointer

Kingdom: Animalia

Department: Chordate

Subphylum: Chordate

Class: Mammalia

Subclass: Therna

Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Subfamily: Canine

Genus: Canis

Country of origin: Germany

Life: 12~15 years

Breed size: large

Original use: hunting dogs

Current uses: domestic companion dogs, guard dogs

Other conditions: seizures, von Willebrand disease

German Shorthair Boeing DaCharacteristics

The German Shorthaired Pointer gives the impression of being of medium size, neither exaggerated nor large. outrageous. The dog is a very smooth, well-proportioned, well-proportioned animal that appears to be very agile. The early use was trained for work. Because of its amiable personality, many people now keep him as a family companion dog.

The German Shorthaired Pointer is a friendly, intelligent and helpful dog. The first impression is warm and eager to work, without any sign of nervousness or attempts to escape. This dog is friendly with children, other dogs and any pets. Can also do the duty of watching dogs. They are quiet, dependable, and restrained, neither shy nor overly agitated. Therefore, it is very suitable to be raised as a family companion dog.

German Shorthaired PointerFeeding method

The first impression of the German Shorthaired Pointer is that he loves his work very much. People are more sincere. For a working dog, dog Sufficient nutrition and energy. So what is a reasonable and healthy German shorthaired pointer dog to eat in daily life?

1. What does a German shorthaired pointer dog eat

feeding mutton and Beef, potatoes, and grain blends such as corn, oats, and wheat. The nutrients contained in this type of food are more suitable for digestion and absorption and utilization of gland function. Category 2: Properly balanced protein, carbohydrates, sugars, fats, vitamins and minerals. The demand for some trace elements and minerals needs to be in moderation, rather than the more the better in the traditional concept. Some trace elements or minerals that exceed the requirements will affect pets's organs cause certain damage and even lesions.

Second, how to raise a German Shorthaired Pointer

The puppy needs to be fed three times a day until it is six months old. The best feeding times are 6:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 7:00 pm. A six-month-old puppy implements a twice-daily feeding schedule. One-year-old dogs implement a once-a-day feeding schedule. The amount of dog food should be adjusted according to the dog's diet and weight. Wet food should be served with a little hot water, but not boiling water, always make sure the dog has fresh water to drink.

Do not overeat the dog and do not feed leftover meals. Reward him with some dog biscuits or broken vegetables and fruits. Dogs don't care if they get a small or large reward, all they want is a reward. Giving small, healthy reward foods can prevent your dog from eating more calories. However puppies are always very fat. Being overweight is unhealthy for any dog, especially the borderSheepdog(details), its job is Grazing, so it should be kept lean, but not skinny. You should be able to feel the dog's ribs if you spread your hands and stroke the dog's back from top to bottom. If you can't feel it, your dog is too fat. If you can clearly feel the dog's back and ribs, your dog is too thin.

Do not feed the puppy. Its protein content is often too high to cause bone growth problems in dogs. Instead, you should choose some high-quality adult dog food with no more than 24 percent protein. Don't feed cheap food, otherwise in the future, the dog will develop some health problems and you will pay a higher price for it. At the beginning of feeding, avoid cereals and wheatgrass in the food, and also pay attention that the dog food does not contain barley and animal leftovers (such as chicken mouth, feet, etc.) If you choose to feed a different Food to feed your puppy, you'd better let it get used to gradually, otherwise there will be adverse reactions in digestion. Start to feed the old and new food alternately, about a week or so, you can start feeding the new food. Adding a little unflavored (without any flavor), pure yogurt can help your puppy avoid stomach aches. This measure must be used in any conversion of dog food , and even some adult dogs, abruptly changing the dog's diet can cause bloating and diarrhea. If it is general diarrhea, the editor recommends that parents can buy intestinal Lebao probiotics for pets, and the effect is very significant after the dog eats it.

Identification selection of German short-haired Boeida

Size: his height, male shoulder height is about 23~25 inches; female shoulder height About 21 to 23 inches. An error of 1 inch is a serious defect. Males weigh about 55 to 70 pounds; females weigh about 45 to 60 pounds.

Proportion: The ratio of body length (the distance from the sternum to the prominence of the pelvis) to the height at the withers. The German Shorthaired Pointer is allowed to have a square proportion, and the body length is also allowed to be slightly larger than the height at the withers.

Physical: Small and delicate bones are not recommended, as he must have sufficient strength and the ability to work in a variety of terrain conditions. The most important feature is that the size of the bones should not be too exaggerated, but it is hoped that the bones and the body can form the correct proportion. Bones that are too heavy or too light are faults. A tall or long-legged dog means rigid, because the bone mass is too exaggerated. Both male-like females or female-like males are deficient.


The head is well-defined, neither too light nor too heavy, in proper proportion to the body.

Eyes: Medium size, full of intelligence and expression, very cheerful but also radiating energy, neither protruding nor sunken. The shape of the eyes is almond-shaped, not round. The preferred color is dark brown. Buff eyes are not ideal and are flawed. Eyes that are too close together are faults. A blue-grey eye or a colored ring inside the eye is a disqualification.

Ears: Broad and set fairly high, lying flat, never hanging from head. They should be positioned slightly higher than eye level, with the ears lying flat forward without being pulled by any force, extending naturally to the corners of the mouth. If it is a heavier dog, the ears are correspondingly longer. Ears that are too long or too thick are faults.

Skull: Moderately broad, slightly arched at the sides and slightly rounded at the top. On the forehead, the centerline between the eyes is not deep, and the posterior occipital bone is not prominent, unlike the pointer dog (Boinger). The front face gradually rises from the nose to the forehead. This rise is more pronounced and prominent in males than in females. The jaws are strong and muscular. There is no clear stop on the line that gradually rises in the direction of the forehead as in the pointer dog, but when viewed from the side, there is a stop effect, mainly due to the eyebrows.

Mouth: Very long, enabling him to catch prey and keep it under control for long periods of time. A muzzle like that of a pointer is undesirable. Depth is in the correct proportion to length, either for the muzzle or the head. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull. A plate-shaped muzzle is a defect.

Nostrils: brown, the bigger the better, the nostrils wide and open. A speckled nose is undesirable. A flesh-colored nose is a disqualification. The somewhat protruding nose ends abruptly. The lips are plump and deep, but there is no saggy upper lip.

Teeth: Strong and heavy. The molars are well joined. The bite is a true scissors bite, the pincer bite is a defect. An overbite or overbite is a disqualification.

[neck, back, body]

The neck is long enough to allow the jaws to extend out, pick up prey, and slope down , forming a nice curve. The nape is muscular and gradually thickens towards the shoulders. Moderate fat is allowed. The skin is tight and snug. The chest usually gives the impression of depth over width; the entire chest, in correct proportion to the rest of the body. The thorax extends to the elbows, the rib cage supports the rib cage, the ribs are well supported and do not appear flat or flat; but at the same time they are not too rounded or barrel shaped. The ribs at the back also stretch down. The ribcage close to the back of the elbow should be smaller than the ribcage behind the elbow one palm width, so that the upper arm has enough room for movement. The above mentioned is obvious.

Back: Short, strong, and straight, rising slightly from base of tail to withers. The loin is strong, of medium length and slightly arched. An overly long, arched, swaying back is a fault. The rump is broad and well spaced, falling slightly towards the tail in a graceful curve. Steep hips are faults.

Tail: Set high and stable, must be docked, leaving about 40% of total length. When the dog is calm, the tail hangs down, and when walking, the tail is kept level. The tail must never be raised over the back (towards the head) when it moves. Lifting or bending the tail toward the head is a serious defect.


Scapulae: Sloped, flexible, and muscular. The shoulder blades are lying flat and tilted back at about a 45-degree angle. The upper arm (the bone between the shoulder blade and the elbow joint) should be as long as possible, and when standing, somewhat close to the torso, so the legs are straight, close and muscular, appearing parallel to each other when viewed from the front. When standing, if the elbows are close to the body or too close, the toes are turned in or out, so it is a defect. The bone is strong, short, and very slightly sloping, almost vertical. Laxity, short shoulder blades, or too straight shoulder blades are all faults. Prominence of the joints is also a defect. The dewclaws on the forelimbs can be removed.

Paws: Compact, compact, rounded to spoon-shaped. Toes arched, nails heavy. The pads are firm, hard and thick.


Thighs are strong and muscular. The knee joint is moderately bent. The hock joints are well angled and the bone is strong and straight from the hock to the pads. The angles of the knee joints and hocks provide the best balance of drive and traction. The hocks are neither turned in nor out. The bovine limb is a serious defect.


The coat is short and thick, firm to the touch; the coat is somewhat longer under the tail and at the back edge of the rump. The hair on the head and ears is soft, thin and slightly short. Any dog with long coats on the body is a serious defect.


The color of the coat may be pure liver or a combination of liver and white, e.g. Liver patches, white spots, liver mottles.


A smooth, soft gait is critical. This is a famously accelerated gait from walking to running, with the legs gathered under the body. A trend towards a single trajectory is an ideal phenomenon. The front legs are extended forward, close to the ground without a stance (legs raised high). The hindquarters are powerful and smooth.


The German Shorthaired Pointer is a friendly, intelligent and helpful dog. The first impression is warm and eager to work, without any sign of nervousness or attempts to escape.


Teal grey eyes or colored rings inside the eyes. Flesh-colored nose. Upper jaw protruding bite and lower jaw protruding bite. Any area with black, red, orange, lemon, brown, white dogs.