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German Shepherd

2022-04-24 / 357 Read
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German Shepherd Breed Introduction

GermanyShepherd Dog (German Shepherd Dog), also known as German Shepherd Dog, also known as Wolf Dog, which is native to Germany , the only thing that can be confirmed is that in 1880 this dog has been fixed all over Germany and used as a shepherd dog. They are agile and suitable for action-oriented work environments, and they are often deployed for a variety of tasks. Then he was recruited by the German army during the First World War and served as a military dog. After being nurtured by the German army, it was basically shaped. Because of its tall size, powerful appearance, and strong working ability, it is used as a military dog, police dog, search and rescue dog, guide dog, shepherd dog, watch dog, and domestic pets active as dogs.

German Shepherd/Black Species distribution of back/black shells

German shepherds are divided into two types: short-haired, medium-haired, long-haired arched dogs and short-haired, long-haired flat-backed dogs. There are no differences in temperament and IQ between the two dogs, but there are differences in size and coat quality. In 2001, Chen Jinfei registered with the German Shepherd Club (CSV for short). Most of the dogs used in the competition are short-haired and long-haired arched dogs, while medium-haired arched dogs are not eligible for the competition due to morphological problems. Generally speaking, female dogs are bred The medium-haired straightbacks are eliminated by breeders, as this is an atavistic phenomenon. German Shepherds continue to develop all over the world, but they always maintain an objective and fair attitude to breed. In recent years, a large-headed German Shepherd has emerged in some areas of China, commonly known as the "hammer", which uses The St. Bernarddog was crossed with a German Shepherd, which is actually extremely irresponsible and unethical. Fortunately, CSV does not agree with this kind of dog, nor does the majority of dog friends accept this new breed. .

The origin of the development of the German Shepherd/Blackback/Hebei

The German Shepherd is known as the "King of Dogs in the World". Due to its resemblance to a wild wolf, it was once speculated that it may be a direct descendant of the wild wolf, but it is actually native to Germany. In April 1999, the German Shepherd celebrated its 100th birthday. German shepherd associations and dog lovers commemorate the centenary of the "King of Dogs in the World" with different forms of celebration. In 1890, German dog breeders Stephanis and Mr. Mael began to improve and breed the ancient German shepherd dog, the El Shakia. Born in the military, von Stefanitz dreamed of breeding a dog that was neither aggressive nor timid. He first sketched the shepherd dog in his mind on his table, and then bred with a variety of excellent dogs until he reached the ideal prototype. On April 22, 1899, the German Shepherd was officially born in Karlsruhe, western Germany. At a dog exhibition that year, a cavalry captain named von Stefanitz showed people for the first time the excellent dog breeds that he had carefully cultivated through numerous breeding experiments. The dog-raising style originated in the United Kingdom, when dogs were regarded as a symbol of fashion and wealth and power in the upper class at that time. [2]

But the breeder of sheepdogs, von Stefanitz, went against the trend. He believed that dog raising should not only be a viewing and entertainment, but more importantly, serve the society. In this spirit, he founded the "German Kennel Hobbyist Association" in the same year. The German Shepherd became the most popular military, police and shepherd dog at that time, and many countries used it to help the army and police search and kill drugs, arrest fugitives, and border patrols. In addition, it is an excellent shepherd and hospital dog.

German Shepherd Dog Book

After the First World War, a large number of German Shepherd dogs were introduced to the United Kingdom, and then quickly lost to the world everywhere. One of the most widely distributed and most popular varieties. But the most favorite shepherd dog is the Germans. At present, there are about 500,000 sheep dogs in the country, 90% of which are raised by families and become good partners and guardians of residents, and the remaining 10% are domesticated by police stations, customs, rescue organizations and other institutions. . However, sheepdogs have also had a disgraceful history. During World War I, German Shepherds were sent to fight on the front lines; in World War II, Hitler ordered his army to recruit 200,000 shepherds, and these heavily trained German Shepherds fell victim to escorting explosives and Guard dogs in Nazi concentration camps. Later, after the construction of the Berlin Wall, it also served as a guard on the border between East and West Germany.

During the peaceful years after the Second World War, German Shepherds became movie stars, played important roles in many TV series, and were loved by people, especially teenage friends. In the TV series "Officer Rex", the German Shepherd has an excellent performance. The film was translated into 26 languages and screened all over the world. It was widely circulated and the German Shepherd became famous.

German ShepherdCharacteristics

German Shepherd is 100% loyal to the owner, as for meekness, there is definitely no Su Mu docile, but a well-trained German sheepdog It is very loyal to the owner. Sometimes, when the police dog of the army performs a task, it knows that it may lose its life, but it still obeys the owner's instructions to complete the task!

Germany Sheepdog is also known as German wolf dog, commonly known as German wolf dog. In the minds of most people, the German Shepherd is a very ferocious dog breed. In fact, the German Shepherd is not an aggressive fighter, of course, this may be because he is very arrogant, and can only glance at objects he thinks are not very threatening to him. But it's also a brave, fierce attacker if need be. In the relationship with people, it not only gives people a little affection, but at the same time, its self-esteem is very strong, and it is easy to doubt strangers. Once a friendship is established, it will not change for life.

The German Shepherd's personality refers to the sum of the dog's own vitality, extreme endurance, and personality neurological differences. Character is an instinct of a dog, determined by genetic factors, it is congenital, and cannot be changed at all by acquired training, that is, as the saying goes, "nature is hard to change".

Lively personality

The energetic German Shepherd is very cute when he is young, but the vitality of this kind of dog must be moderate, otherwise when the owner does not When you're at home, it's a danger, and he can even remove the TV for you.

Characteristic reasons

The owner is overly petted and feels that he has a higher status than the owner.

Stable personality

The stable German Shepherd is very obedient and has a great relationship with the owner's training. This type of dog is very loyal to the owner. It will lie still in the car, but leave the owner, the spirit will be very depressed. vulnerable to emotional trauma.

Timid character

The main reason for the timid German Shepherd's character is that he is often beaten and scolded by the owner. Therefore, in the process of training dogs, our owners must train and punish the dog when the dog is wrong, and the reward and punishment must be coordinated.

Correction: Reward and encourage the dog frequently to increase affinity. Add time to play with your dog. More chest pats to enhance their self-confidence.

German ShepherdLifestyle

Germanysheepdog The character is strong, confident, neurologically stable, never timid, docile in the absence of stimulation; alert and tame. German Shepherds must be brave, tenacious, and aggressive. They have held various jobs around the world, including guard dogs, search dogs, guide dogs, and shepherds. It is also a very popular family dog, loyal to its breeder and can develop a close bond with it. Breeders must pay careful attention to the German Shepherd, which is a very active animal, both mentally and physically.

German ShepherdPros and Cons

[Germanysheepdog Advantages]

1. The German Shepherd has a very high IQ and ranks third in the dog ranking. It is very malleable, flexible and obedient. Some say it is a near-perfect dog that can be both Loyal pet dogs can also make excellent working dogs.

2. Germany has a strong force, they are very alert, sharp, and full of energy. German Shepherd is well-built and well-proportioned, with ears that stand on the top of the head. It is more spiritual. Practice has proved that the German Shepherd is a dog with a very strong comprehensive ability, especially for those domesticated German Shepherds.

【German Shepherd Disadvantages】

Nothing can be 100% perfect, and there are already excellent German Shepherds in one way or another Shortcomings. For example, the German Shepherd is defective in stature or character due to genetic factors. And these congenital shortcomings are not easy to change.

Some German Shepherds also have certain shortcomings in their character, such as fragile personality and excessive neuroticism and neurotic biting; of course, due to congenital or natural influences, some German Shepherds may also be There is some kind of flaw. For example, skeletal developmental deformities, missing toes, albinism, body shape and weight do not meet the standard and so on.

German ShepherdFeeding methods

1. Nutrition: Nutrition is the maintenance of life activities such as dog growth and development necessary substances. Mainly refers to protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

2. Feed: Feed is divided into animal feed, plant feed, seasoning, additives and commercial feed. Animal feed is the staple food for dogs. Such as commonly used beef, milk, eggs, fish and livestock and poultry Internal organs etc. Beef is the best meat. Plant-based feed is mainly rice, such as rice, millet, wheat, sorghum rice, corn, etc. There are also vegetables such as spinach and cabbage. Seasoning is mainly salt, but excessive amounts can cause sensitivity and poisoning in dogs. Additives include minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Commercial feed refers to a series of pellet feed for dogs.

3, GermanySheepdog Puppy rearing and management: In progress Breastfeeding German Shepherd pups should pay attention to keeping warm in winter and early spring, keep indoors dry, and use infrared baking lights. The surrounding environment of the delivery room should be kept as quiet as possible to prevent the puppies from being overwhelmed by the bitch. Secondly, it is necessary to supplement milk to the young dog in time, grasp the opening of the food, and gradually wean. 2-3 month old German Shepherd dogs need patient and meticulous management, which has a great relationship with the physical development of puppies, and also has a direct impact on the normal development of the nervous system. Therefore, proper exercise with dogs has a good effect on strengthening bones and muscle tissue, improving the function of internal organs, promoting metabolism, and adapting to different climates and environmental conditions. Immunization and preventive deworming are the keys to ensuring healthy dog growth. The appropriate immunization program is the first immunization at 45 days, 2 consecutive immunizations at 10-day intervals, injection of rabies vaccine at 3 months of age, and deworming of puppies once a month. The breeding of German Shepherd puppies should be carried out at the age of 2-6 months. Bold and flexible, can adapt to more complex environments, excited, love activities, strong desire to take, good attachment, concentrated attention, does not leave the master at will, does not choose to eat anywhere, obeys the master's orders.

4. Calcium supplements

If found German Shepherd When standing, the toes are separated, like duck webs, unable to stand straight, not fond of sports, the color of the nose becomes pale, irritable, hot flashes, easy to fracture, lazy running Move, this is the manifestation of calcium deficiency in German Shepherd.

The German Shepherd does not need calcium supplementation during lactation. Breast milk contains enough calcium for the little German Shepherd to absorb. The little German Shepherd within three months only needs to eat dog food is fine, but it won't work if it grows up, German Shepherd is a medium to large dog, Rapid growth requires more calcium, and the calcium contained in dog food can no longer satisfy German Shepherd. If German Shepherd has symptoms of calcium deficiency, it must be treated with drugs. You can choose calcium carbonate and calcium lactate. At the same time, you can inject vitamin D3, oral vitamin D2, and vitamin D3 pills. If you have the conditions, you can also use some imported brands.pets calcium for pets, these work well.

It's not enough to just supplement calcium, you should also pay attention to the dosage. If you supplement too much calcium, it will cause calcium stones. The specific dosage needs to be consulted by a professional veterinarian.

5. Don't drink mineral water

The body needs to replenish water, vitamins and various trace elements in time, and German Shepherd is no exception.

Rehydration: It is best to drink less mineral water. For German Shepherd, water is an important part of its nutritional composition. The lack of water in the German Shepherd will lead to stagnation of digestion, loss of appetite, and decreased disease resistance. When the water shortage reaches 20%, it may lead to the death of the German Shepherd. Therefore, German Shepherd should consume at least 100 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day.

No matter how busy you are, add enough water to the German Shepherd's drinking basin to ensure that the German Shepherd can drink at any time. The most important reminder is that it is best not to drink mineral water for German Shepherds. "Because the content of metal ions in mineral water is high, long-term drinking is not good for German Shepherd's health." And boiled water is an ideal choice. In addition, giving the German Shepherd some fruit is also a good choice. The vitamins contained in various fruits are also different, so you can feed them less. A variety of vitamins can be added to ensure the healthy constitution of the German Shepherd.

Vitamin supplements: Feed animal liver and radish once a month. Remember not to feed unclean intestines, which have a lot of bacteria. Vitamins are essential for German Shepherds, promoting growth, helping digestion, resisting diseases, keeping small German Shepherds healthy skin and smooth hair. Therefore, owners should pay attention to whether the German Shepherd has signs of vitamin deficiency. When necessary, you can go to the local pet hospital to check, what is the best way to make up for what is missing.

German ShepherdIdentification Selection

When you meet a puppy for the first time, it comes to you automatically and confidently, its eyes are bright , wagging the tail, you can believe that is a normal and healthy puppy. On the contrary, if it snorts and hides in the shadows when approaching it, it is a lonely puppy. If you touch it gently with your hand, it jumps or barks loudly, this is a neurotic puppy born to "inbreeding". It may also have this feature when it grows up.

It is more suitable to buy puppies that are about two months old, and no more than 6 months old at most. Puppies are not only inexpensive, but also easy to adapt to new environments. Raising puppies can be trained from a young age to gradually adapt to the owner's living habits. Adult dogs have already been infected with many accumulated habits, and it is not easy for the owner to correct or tame them. In addition, grown dogs still have deep affection for their previous owners and may run away if they are not careful. It is not easy for you to win its loyalty and affection. Therefore, in terms of energy, money and time, it is not cost-effective to buy adult dogs.

Choose puppies to feed, you can observe and appreciate the dog's growth process, and you will see the actions it makes during training, which is a kind of fun in itself. Puppies are prone to illness and often cause trouble. This requires that when choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its health - check whether its nutrition is good, whether its eyes are bright, and whether its hair is shiny or not.

In addition, the puppy is immature and its breed The characteristics have not been shown, so it is best to ask someone who has experience in raising dogs to assist in the selection. It is more reliable if you can see the parents of the puppy in person.

It should be noted that there are good and bad dogs of the same type, some are stupid, some are smart, some are gregarious, and some are very withdrawn. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure which dog is the friendliest to children, which is habitually raised in the city, and which is the most reliable watch dog. This depends on the training of the breeder.