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German Doberman

2022-04-28 / 389 Read
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German Pinscher Breed Introduction

DobermanDog is a Tuk-Pin dog. Originating in Germany, it is named after Mr. Louis Doberman, who bred this strain, and is the most intelligent of all strains. Doberman pinschers are both military and police dogs. The Doberman pinscher is divided into the German Doberman and the American Doberman, both of which have different character structures and postures

Species distribution of the Doberman

At the end of the 19th century, There was a tax collector and dog catcher named Louis Doberman, who wanted to raise a ferocious dog to protect his safety during his mission, so he bred a dog with Rottweiler, Manchester, Potheron, Greyhound, and more. After a long time, Otto Geller, another breeding expert, improved the Doberman's guard dog. In 1900, all people in the world who love the Doberman breed will always remember: this dog was Officially recognized and detailed standards were established, and the name of the dog was named by their breeder, Louis Doberman.

In the early days, the Doberman pinscher was indeed a very ferocious breed. According to reports, it really takes considerable courage and courage to raise it. It is understood that when it is more than two months old, it can emit a frightening long howl. The Doberman pinscher is already more refined and well-proportioned than earlier breeds .

The Origin of the Doberman

At the end of the 19th century, a tax collector and dog catcher named Louis Doberman wanted to Raising a ferocious dog to keep him safe while on duty, he bred a super dog with the advantages of a Rottweiler, Manchester, Potheron and Greyhound. After a long time, Otto Geller, another breeding expert, improved the Doberman's guard dog. In 1900, all people in the world who love the Doberman breed will always remember: this dog was Officially recognized and detailed standards were established, and the name of the dog was named by their breeder, Louis Doberman.

In the early days, the Doberman pinscher was indeed a very ferocious breed. According to reports, it really takes considerable courage and courage to raise it. It is understood that when it is more than two months old, it can emit a frightening long howl. The Doberman pinscher is already more refined and well-proportioned than earlier breeds.

Physiological Indicators of Doberman

Height: Male Doberman 26.0-28.0 inches (66.0-71.0 cm) at shoulder, female Doberman 24.0- 26.0 inches (61.0-66.0 cm);

Weight range: Male Doberman 66.2-88.2 lb (30.0-40.0 kg) Female Doberman 55.1-77.2 lb (25.0-35.0 kg); 

Jaws/Teeth: White and strong teeth, scissors bite, with a total of 42 teeth, 22 in the lower jaw and 20 in the upper jaw;

The bitch gives birth about 63 days after successful mating For dogs, those between 56 and 65 days are also in normal estrus. Each estrus lasts about 5 to 12 days, with an average of 9 days and a few up to 21 days.

German PinscherCharacteristics

mentioned Doberman It enjoys high praise both in the fight against criminals as a police dog, and in protecting its owner's home. And it is very intelligent and obedient to its owner.

1. Fierce by nature

In fact, when many owners choose Doberman pinscher, they will have such a psychological expectation that they can cultivate it in the future. Be an obedient guard dog. This is precisely the characteristic of Doberman. But this is not absolute, the specific character of the Doberman will still change with the change of the environment. Therefore, many owners do not dare to use it as a pet dog without seeing this. Breeding, in fact, it is also a good family companion dog.

Second, brave and alert

The Doberman Pinscher is strong and powerful, and after training, it can be used as a good guard dog, Help police officers in a series of complex security tasks. This is not something any dog breed can do. So, if you keep a Doberman Pinscher, the sense of security will always be with you, hehe.

3. Loyalty and active

Loyal Needless to say, the obedience of Doberman pinschers is very high, otherwise they would not be able to bear so much escort mission. So, as long as you pay attention to training and training, it will definitely take you as the only master.

Look at the active again, the Doberman Pinscher still needs a lot of exercise, regular exercise can not only ensure Dogs's healthy body and radiant appearance.

German PinscherLife Habits

This dog is a strong and powerful dog, mainly serving as a guard. After training, Can be a search dog, hunting dog and sheepdog. The character is bold, sensitive, resolute and decisive, and easy to bite. DobermanDoberman is a natural guard dog, intelligent, strong and ready to attack. Breeders are strictly managed and can be loyal, affectionate companions. With a smooth, streamlined physique, the Doberman Pinscher possesses incredible weight and strength, and in order to curb its potential aggression, breeders should use mental training to give it full exercise and a constant radiance. Suitable for urban life, heat and cold, short coat, do not need frequent grooming, easy to train, but not easy to get along with other dogs. Susceptible to gas, abnormal hip development, heart problems, and possibly a blood disorder called WILLEBRAND'S.


When a female dog is in heat, there are characteristic changes in body and behavior. This is the oestrus sign, which is mainly manifested as behavioral changes, increased excitability, increased activity, restlessness, loud canine voice, bright eyes, swollen vulva, red mucus with blood flow; frequent urination, tail arching, like Approaching male dogs, often climbing over other male dogs, etc. Each estrus lasts about 5 to 12 days, with an average of 9 days and a few up to 21 days.


After the Doberman female dog shows signs of heat, it is necessary to start choosing a good male dog as her mate. The quality of the male dog will connect the children to the pros and cons of the next generation of Doberman pinschers. It is necessary to choose a male dog with no degeneration, stable nerve type, robust physique, rapid growth and development, strong disease resistance and reproductive ability. The best time for breeding should be between 12 and 13 days after the female dog bleeds. Be sure to mate when the female dog has the strongest desire to mate and the most obvious signs of heat. The number of matings should be 2, that is, initial mating and compound mating. The time interval between the two times is 24 to 28 hours, so as not to affect the development of the fetus. The best place for mating is where the bitch lives. Do not crowd around, so as not to be frightened during the mating process and affect mating. When mating, natural methods are the main method, supplemented by artificial help.


About a week after mating, the genitals begin to shrink and sag, a small amount of black-brown fluid is discharged, and the appetite is lost. , The temperament is quiet, in 2 to 3 weeks, the breasts begin to gradually increase, the appetite increases greatly, and sometimes there is a partial eclipse phenomenon. About 1 month later, abdominal distention, sagging breasts, elastic nipples, and fetuses can be felt by abdominal palpation. The diet of bitches before and during pregnancy does not increase much, and the diet increases by about 50% at the end of pregnancy, and it can increase to 3 times the normal amount during the peak lactation period.


Bitch gives birth about 63 days after successful mating, and it is normal for 56 to 65 days.

Beginning one week before the expected date of delivery, the Doberman bitches should be checked for body temperature every morning. The normal body temperature is 37.5~38℃. may be produced.

The birthing bed must be kept warm and dry, not only during the production process, but also within 2 to 3 weeks after the puppies are born, especially for puppies born in winter. Points must be noted.

The production process of the bitch takes 6 to 8 hours. The bitch needs to drink water during this period, and then needs to have a thick meat. The day after the birth, it is necessary to carefully check whether the bitch has Puppies are born and the puppies are carefully observed.

During the first 3 weeks after giving birth, bitches will shed a greenish fluid, then a reddish color, and finally a clear color. this is normal phenomenon.

The difference between the German Doberman and the American Doberman:

The most intuitive distinction is in the mouth, neck and abdomen

The lines of the American Doberman are very graceful and elegant; the German Doberman often gives people a heavy and powerful feeling, and in character: the American Doberman is like a smart and lively partner, with a perfect appearance and Not aggressive, with excellent obedience; the American Doberman is not as aggressive as the German Doberman, plus the appearance is more beautiful, more suitable as a family companion dog. The German Doberman can give people a more reliable sense of security. Compared with the American Doberman, it is more rude, aggressive, and a ONE-MAN DOG. At the same time, it is loyal, brave, witty, keen, and absolutely obedient and capable of guarding. Strong, they are destined to be born soldiers.

German PinscherPros and Cons

Pros:Doberman is more alert, responsive and fast. The character is more alert and well trained. Very obedient to the master, can watch the house.

Disadvantages: Doberman needs a lot of exercise. If you keep it indoors, you have to take it out to exercise every day. Doberman likes the warmth of the family very much. I think it is good to keep it indoors. of. And Doberman is afraid of the cold. Ear clipping is just for aesthetics. Personally, I think Doberman has no temperament if he doesn't cut his ears.

German PinscherFeeding methods

In   the past, the nutrient-rich food provided by owners to their dogs was more than the current one. complicated and time consuming. Previous owners thought that the daily ration should include fresh beef, vegetables, grains, egg yolks, and milk, in addition to additions such as brewer's yeast or other vitamins.

However, in recent years, perceptions of the necessity, and even the benefits, of this practice have changed. Daily food such as egg yolk and milk are still provided every day, but the basic method has changed. It is understood that many experts have also affirmed such changes. It is also taught in schools that "mass-manufactured dog food , better than mixing your own dog food in the kitchen.

The reason behind this new idea is not difficult to understand. The manufacture of dog food is a huge Industry, and with the participation of some well-known and respected dog lovers, can trust these quality products. When people are confident that these products are used to feed dogs, and the puppies are strong and always Great condition, so what more could you ask for?

At least half of the best dry dog food, just mixed with water or broth and ready to feed, or added fresh Or canned meat for dogs. All kinds of canned Meat, which may be 100% meat or mixed with other things; or a fully prepared meal, including meat and grains. There are also several kinds of "fast food" in bags, just open the bag and pour it directly Just on the plate, it's that simple. "Fast food" is very clean and easy at any time, especially when traveling. But usually dry food with heated water, can add some canned meat food would be better. Leftovers Meat or ground beef can sometimes be added. It is recommended that you use canned meat, because canned meat is better than fresh meat due to the addition of vitamins and other nutrients. Of course, the two kinds of meat can also be fed alternately. If you prefer, And if your dog is in good condition, you can of course feed ground beef. Dogs like a variety of meats in their food, and canned meats can easily meet their needs. There are many types of canned meats available, including: Beef nuggets, beef scraps, beef stew, chicken, lamb, liver, and various mixed meats.

German PinscherIdentification selection

Appearance is of medium size, with a square body. The body is compact, muscular and powerful, with great endurance and speed. Elegant in appearance and confident in attitude, it shows its noble temperament. It is lively, alert, determined, Alert, brave, loyal and obedient.

A male dog is about 26-28 inches at the shoulder, ideally 27.5 inches at the shoulder. A female dog is about 24-2 inches at the shoulder 6 inches, ideal with a shoulder height of 25.5 inches. Height at the withers (the vertical distance from the highest point of the withers to the ground) equals the length of the body (the horizontal distance from the chest to the thighs). The length of the head, neck and legs is in proportion to the height and depth of the body.


Long and compact. It has a blunt wedge shape when viewed from the front or the side, and the outline of the head from the mouth to the base of the ears is two complete straight lines that gradually widen. The eyes are almond-shaped, moderately sunken, and look lively and energetic. Eye color is single, medium to very dark brown in black dogs, other colors such as red, blue, and fawn dogs, the eye color is consistent with the color of the body markings. The ears are usually clipped and erect. When the ears are erect, the upper parts of the ears are on the top of the head.

The top of the head is flat, the skull is connected to the muzzle by a slight stop, and the muzzle outline is parallel to the outline of the skull. Cheeks are flat and muscular. Black dogs have solid black noses; red dogs have dark brown noses; blue dogs have dark gray noses; fawn dogs have dark tawny noses. The lips are pressed against the lower jaw, full and powerful, under the eyes.

White and strong teeth, scissors bite, with a total of 42 teeth, 22 in the lower jaw and 20 in the upper jaw. Disqualification: Protrusion of upper jaw more than 3/16 inch; jaw protrusion more than 1/8 inch; missing 4 or more teeth.

Neck Body

The neck is proudly held up, muscular and compact. The neck is slightly arched, and the length of the neck is proportional to the length of the body and head. It gradually widens and merges with the body. The withers is distinct and is the highest point of the body. The back is short and sturdy with ample width. The waist is muscular. In a straight line from withers to slightly rounded rump.

The chest is broad, with a moderately raised front. Ribs rise from the spine and gradually flatten down to the elbows. Chest deep to the elbows. The abdomen is moderately tucked, extending from the chest to form a curve. The loin is broad and muscular. The hips are broad and in proportion to the body. The width of the hips is approximately equal to the width of the ribcage and shoulders.

The tail is severed at about the second coccyx, an extension of the spine. Only when alert will the tail be raised above the horizon.


The shoulder blades are angled forward and downward at a 45-degree angle to the horizontal. Attached to the forearm at a 90-degree angle, the same length as the upper arm. The length from the elbow to the withers is equal to the length from the ground to the elbow. The forelegs are perfectly straight, parallel and powerful from the elbows to the ankles, from the front to the ankles, with plenty of bone. Whether standing or walking, keep your elbows close to your chest. The ankles are strong and perpendicular to the ground. Dewclaws can be removed. Feet are arched and compact, like cat feet, neither turning in nor out.


The angle of the hindquarters is balanced with the forequarters, and the hip bone is at a 30-degree angle to the spine (back, down) so that the hip Appears slightly rounded and warped. The femur and hip bone are at the right angle. The thighs are long, broad, and muscular; the thighbone is approximately the same length as the shinbone. When the dog is quiet, the hock to the heel is perpendicular to the ground. Viewed from behind, the legs are straight and parallel to each other. There is a proper distance between the legs to support the body stably.


Smooth coat, short, stiff, dense and close to the body. Invisible grey undercoat on the neck is permitted.

Color Blind

Germany DobermanColors: black, red

American Doberman colors black, red blue, camel (Isabella).

Breaking: A well-defined rust-colored marking. Distributed above the eyes, muzzle, throat, chest, legs, feet and under the tail. White markings on the forechest up to 1/2 inch square are permitted. Disqualifications: Dogs possess colors that are not recognized colors.


Easy, harmonious, vigorous, well stretched forequarters, strong hindquarters drive; strong hindquarters movement at trot. Each hind leg moves in the same plane as the front leg, turning neither in nor out. The back is strong and stable. When running fast, a dog with a perfectly constructed body follows a single trajectory.


Lively, alert, determined, alert, courageous, loyal and obedient. During the game, the referee will disqualify the timid or bad Dubin from the game.

Cowardly: The dog will be judged as timid in the following areas, such as refusing to stand for inspection, avoiding the judge; such as fear of others approaching from behind, such as obvious fear of sudden and abnormal sounds.

Aggressive: Attacking or attempting to attack any one of the judges or handlers is considered vicious, aggressiveness towards other dogs or aggressive tendencies are not considered vicious.


The previous description is idealDoberman Pinscher, any non-compliance with the previous description is a defect, and points will be deducted according to the degree of deviation.


The dog has a color that is not a recognized color. Standard Adoption Date: February 6, 1982 Standard Revision Date: November 6, 1990