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Dandy Dinmond

2022-04-01 / 672 Read

  Alias           Dandidingmenggeng    

  English name           Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed Standard    

  Weight           (Male) 8.16-11kg      (Female) 8-10kg    

  Size           (Male) 21-27.9cm      (Female) 20.3-27cm    

  Origin           United Kingdom     

Stickness:  Happiness:  
drop Hair Level:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:    Trainability:  
Saliva Level:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  


Originated in the 17th century. One of the most quaint and chic. Many pets are named after the place where they were raised or bred, but the Dandie Dinosaur is named after the protagonist in the works of the famous author Sir Walder Scott. As early as the 1700s, the dog bred on the border of Scotland and England was known for its ability to prey on otters and badgers, making it a unique breed. It is believed to be the result of mating.

FCI Standard of Dandy Dinmont Terrier

Dandee Dinmont Terrier 

Aliases: Dandie Dinmond Terrier, Dandie Dinmond Terrier Independent, determined, silent, intelligent. Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a combination of affection and nobility, persistent and bold at work.

Click to enter Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club


Origin UK.


Independent, determined, silent, intelligent. It is a combination of emotion and nobility, persistent and bold when working.

FCI Standard:

[Overall Appearance] The most primitive race can be traced back to a streamlined, low-status working terrier. A large, pronounced head with filiform crested hair is proportional to its body. The black eyes are large and slightly round, and are clever. The strong, flexible body and the machete-like tail are covered with a rather pronounced double coat, as is the case with all species.

【Size, Proportion and Structure】Height 20.3-27.9 cm. The body length is 2.5 to 5.1 cm shorter than the height. As one of the good working conditions for dogs, the weight is 8.16 to 10.89 kg. The bones are strong and the muscles are well developed, but not rough. The overall symmetry is more important than a single indicator.

【Head】The head is large and strong, but proportionate to its size. Muscles are well developed, especially those in the front of the face. The expression is resolute, intelligent and noble. The eyes are large and round, bright and full, but do not protrude outwards. Eyes wide open, looking straight ahead, dark brown. Dark circles. The ears are located at the rear and lower part of the skull and are widely spaced, drooping against the cheeks, with a slight projection beside the folds. The ears are as wide as the base, drooping. The leading edge sags in a straight line, and the distance between the trailing edge and the leading edge gradually narrows down. The cartilage and skin of the ear are fairly thin. Ear length 7.6-10.2 cm. The skull is broad between the ears, narrowing gradually towards the eyes, as is the back of the head. The forehead is semicircular. Conforming to the skull are its cheeks, which also gradually narrow from the ears to the mouth. The mouth is long and strong. Its length is about 3/5 of the skull. The nose is medium in size and black in color. Lips and mouth are black. The teeth are scissors bite and strong. canine tooth length. These dogs can cooperate closely with each other and make it have a strong ability to catch. The upper and lower jaws are equipped with 6 incisors, evenly distributed.

[Neck, Topline and Trunk] The neck is well muscled, strong, well developed, resistant and of moderate length. The shoulder blades are fairly low, and the loin is slightly curved downward in a moderate arc, gradually lowering from the highest point of the loin to the base of the tail. The muscles on both sides of the spine are well developed. There is a slow drop in appearance from the back of the neck to the base of the tail. The trunk is long, strong and flexible. Ribs abducted in a barrel shape, and the chest is well developed. The curves on the ventral side correspond to those on the dorsal side. The tail is 20.3 to 25.4 cm long, the base and the first 10.2 cm are quite thick, and then gradually becomes thinner. The tail is slightly upturned, in the shape of a machete. Only when excited does the tail turn up  at right angles to the body


【Forequarters】The shoulders have a wider range of motion, which is convenient for the body to stretch forward, and naturally forms an angle with the rear torso. The length of the arms is about the same as that of the shoulders, the elbows are close to the ribs and can move freely. Point your toes forward or slightly out. Viewed from the side, the metacarpal bones are seen upright. Looped legs and bent legs are second.

[Hindquarters] The hind legs are slightly longer than the forelimbs, with wider spacing and stand naturally apart. Thighs and calves are barrel shaped, muscular and of equal length, with the knees angled to the forequarters. The metatarsals are naturally lowered, with few metacarpals perpendicular to the ground.

【Foot】The feet are round and flexible. The hanging toes of the forearm are finally removed. The back foot is smaller than the front foot and has no hanging toes. The toenails are black and strong, and the color of the toenails may also change according to their coat color. Toenails can also be white. Flat-footed dogs are worse.

【Coat】This is a very important indicator: the coat ratio is about 5.1 cm (2 inches); 2/3 of the body coat is bristle and 1/3 is soft , showing its slightly wavy texture. The dog's coat is not very hard. The body coat can be shortened by trimming, and because the body coat is a mixture of two different coats, it is striped like a light pencil line. The belly is softer than the back.

The head is covered with very soft, silky hair, the more silky the better. Such hairs are not limited to the top of the head, but are also found on the back of the ears, in the folds of the head, and in the orbits of the eyes. The base of the ear is located 5.1 cm from the top of the head, and the slender hair is almost the same color and texture as the top fur, so that the ear shows a distinct tip. The hair on the ears is short and soft, like goose down. The surrounding hair is of the same texture as the forelegs, and the hair above the mouth is shorter. The hair behind the nose is thinner and about 2.5 cm long. The feathers on the forelimbs are about 5.1 cm long and are of the same texture as the muzzle. The hair on the hind legs is of the same texture but with considerably less tufts. The hair on the back of the tail is harder than the hair on the trunk, and the soft feathers on the abdomen are about 5.1 cm long, gradually shortening towards the back, in the shape of a machete. Trimmed hair is best for overall naturalness, and overly exaggerated looks are worse.

【Color】Mainly red and yellow. The reddish-yellow fur has dark blue-black or light silver-grey fringes, and medium shade is better. The hair on the crown and ears is silvery white as brightly as possible, and the hair on the legs and feet is predominantly dark brown, but varies from dark dark brown to fawn in color. The dark yellow varies in degree from reddish brown to fawn. The fur on the top and ears is yellowish-white. The feathering on the legs and feet is deeper than that on the top of the head.

The above two main colors fade from the shoulders and hips to the feet. The coat on the belly is lighter than on the back. The beard is darker than the fur on the top of the head. The color of the ear trim is the same as the color of the torso. The fur on the back of the tail is darker than the trunk, but the fur on the ventral side is lighter, like on the feet. The chest is often white.

【Gait】The proper way of walking is to move forward like a gallop, with the hind limbs exerting force and the front limbs touching the ground. When running, keep your legs at the same level as your body. A gait that is stiff, exaggerated, jumping, or wavelike, and lacking hindlimb push is imperfect.