Ancient English Sheepdog
The Old English Sheepdog is one of the oldest sheepdog breeds in the UK. In order to drive livestock to pastures in rural western England, farmers raised this alert cattle and shee
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Boykin Spaniel English name: BoykinSpaniel Origin: United StatesBreedStandard General Appearance: The Boykin Spaniel is an all-around hound developed in the United States with a neat, compact body and tail for the Features. The Boykin Spaniel is a medium to medium sized dog with excellent hunting ability with moderate speed and agility. The drooping ears, gentle disposition, and friendly tail-waving all indicate that it is a hunting dog.
English Name: Boykin Spaniel
Origin: United States
Breed Standard
General Appearance:
The Boykin Spaniel is an all-around hunting dog developed in the United States, characterized by a neat, compact body and tail. The Boykin Spaniel is a medium to medium sized dog with excellent hunting ability with moderate speed and agility. The drooping ears, gentle disposition, and friendly tail-waving all indicate that it is part of an ancient family of hounds.
The typical Boykin is friendly, intelligent and easy to train. Boykins get along well with people, other dogs and children They get along very well. Defects: Under normal circumstances, hostility to dogs or people, excessive timidity, and hyperactivity are considered defects.
When the puppy is brought back from the previous owner, he needs to ask the previous owner what he atedog food brand and want a little back. Because the puppy has a fragile stomach, it is recommended to feed the dog food of this brand used by the previous owner as much as possible before 8-10 months, and then change to a better dog food after the gastrointestinal function is stable. If you really want to change to new dog food, you must mix it with the original dog food and replace it slowly, otherwise it will easily affect digestion, which may lead to fart and diarrhea.
Medium in size, well-proportioned and strong, with smooth, firm muscles. A well balanced dog length to height ratio is about 7.6. The ideal height for a dog is 15-18 inches and 14-16 inches at the shoulder. Ideal weight 30-40 pounds, bitches 25-35 pounds.
Defects:Excessive bone mass, excess weight, and long legs are considered defects
Head: The expression is alert, Confident and attractive. The eyes are yellow to brown. The expression is alert, intelligent and trustworthy. The eyes should not protrude or bulge. Dark yellow is better than light yellow. The ears are positioned slightly above or at the same level as the eyes. The ears can be stretched to the tip of the nose. At rest, the ears are flat against the head. The skull is of medium length, flat and broad at the top, slightly arched at the sides and back. The occiput is inconspicuous. Two parallel lines form on one side of the nasal bone and the top of the skull. The snout is about the same length as the skull and, viewed from the top, is about half the width of the skull. The distance from the tip of the nose to the occiput is equal to the distance from the neck to the occiput. The lower jaw is of sufficient length. Nose dark red, nostrils fully open. The lips are closed tightly enough to cover the lower jaw and can be kept clean. Scissors bite or horizontal bite, but scissors bite is preferred.
Neck, Topline: The neck is slightly long, muscular, slightly arched, gradually blending into the sloping shoulder blades, not sloping abruptly. The topline is straight, strong and muscular, with no downward trend. The loin is short, strong and slightly tucked. The body structure is strong but not compact. Shoulders sloping, chest well developed but not barrel shaped, back strong and straight. The tail is 2.5-3 inches long, level with the body or slightly below the rump. Natural shape. Keep the tail level or slightly elevated during exercise. Disadvantage: During movement, the tail is down.
Forequarters: The shoulders are sloping, with a clean, muscular appearance. Legs of moderate length, straight and well-boned, not too short to hinder field work or too long to be clumsy. Strong and without weaknesses. The toes are tightly distributed and the paw pads are well-proportioned. The size of the feet is in harmony with the size of the dog. The flying fingers can be removed.
Hindquarters: The hips and thighs are well developed and the entire rear quarters are strong and driven. The knee joint is slightly rounded, should not be too small or sharp in outline, and the joint angle is moderate. Moderate length from hocks to pads with good bone structure. The hocks are parallel.
Coat: Coat is smooth to moderately wavy, of medium length, and may be feathered on legs, ears, chest, rump and belly. The hair on the head, throat, ears and feet can be trimmed to keep them neat and clean. Coarse hair, curly hair is unqualified.
Color: The coat is solid, ranging from liver red, brown to dark chocolate. A little white hair on the chest is allowed, no other parts are allowed.
Gait:Boykin HoundWhen moving freely, allow the shoulders to be angled to provide drive. The movement should be smooth and effortless. Viewed from the rear, the hocks should be in a line formed by connecting the front and rear legs, and should not be tilted left and right. It is natural for the center of gravity to move down as the speed increases. From the side, it should show a good wide stride without high leg lifts or superfluous movement. Small steps, forelimb drives, and cross steps are not acceptable.