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Boston Terrier

2022-04-03 / 638 Read

Alias Boston Bulldog, Boston Derry

English name Boston Terrier Breed Standard


Size   (Male) 38~43cm(Female) 38~43cm

Origin United States

Stickness:  Happiness:
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise: Trainability:  
saliva Degree:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  


In the 19th century, dog fighting activities centered on Boston produced dog breeds. The initial Boston terrier was a dog breed produced by the mating of pit bulls and bulldogs. In the later stage, many improvements have been made through selection of inbreeding and breeding. In 1891, when the Leap National Bulldog in Boston submitted an application for breed recognition, it was not approved because the name of the Bulldog sounded a bit harsh, and it was finally recognized as the Boston Club of the United States in 1983. In the future, this dog has become one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, whether it is a show dog or a dog.

First exhibition held in Boston in 1870. There were no restrictions on the color and markings of the early Boston Terrier, but by 1900 color and markings were written into the dog's standard and became a must-have characteristic of the breed. The Boston Terrier has worn away the ruthless fighting-dog qualities of its ancestors to become friendly companions to humans, although some male dogs display aggression when their territory is threatened. It can be divided into three categories by weight. The Boston Terrier has a broad head and is at risk of becoming stuck in the birth canal at birth, so a caesarean section is generally performed.

FCI Standard for Boston Terriers

Boston Terrier

Alias: Boston Terrier, Boston Bull Terrier, Boston Derry The Boston Terrier is a friendly and active dog. This breed has a good temperament and a very high IQ, thus, making the Boston Terrier an unparalleled companion dog.

Click to enter Boston Terrier Club


United States.

One of the few breeds bred in the UK, this dog is intelligent, lively and brave. Although nothing special, it makes an excellent guard or companion dog. In the 19th century, the dog fighting activities centered on Boston produced the Boston Dog breed, and the early Boston was a dog breed produced by mating with the Bulldog. In the later stage, many improvements have been made through selection of inbreeding and breeding. In 1891, when the Leap National Bulldog in Boston submitted an application for breed recognition, it was not approved because the name of the Bulldog sounded a bit harsh, and it was finally recognized as the Boston Club of the United States in 1983. In the future, this dog has become one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, whether it is a show dog or a dog.


A friendly and active. This breed has a good temperament and a very high IQ, thus, making the Boston Terrier an unparalleled companion. Boston is smart, warm-hearted, affectionate and playful. They get along well with others, dogs, and children.

Intelligent, playful, affectionate breed, the traditional aggressiveness no longer exists. Puppies have large heads, and most of them need to be delivered by caesarean section. Due to the high cost of surgery, the breed is only limited to the range of pedigrees with breeding value. The breed is a lively dog breed and is also known as the Huba Judge because its ancestors were raised by the Huba family in Boston.

FCI Criteria:

Nature: Smart, playful and affectionate species. The traditional aggression no longer exists.

BODY: Muscular, strong, with a thick and broad chest. The back is short and the waist is slightly sloping.

Coat: Short and fine, smooth and shiny. Appearance like small jacket-style markings are more popular.

Tail: Short and straight, slightly skewed. The base of the tail is low and usually drooping.

Eyes: Large, round and dark in color. Wide distance between eyes. With an astute, intelligent expression. The upper lip is large and drooping, the mouth is tight and completely covers the teeth. Should be black or tan eyes, blue eyes are disqualifying.

Head: Angular head cover, flat top, short muzzle. The brow angle is clear and obvious. Black wide nose.

Ears: Thin and erect, at the ends of the skull. The size of the head must be commensurate with the body.

Limbs: The thighs are well muscled, the forelegs are straight, and the hind legs are strong.

Feet: Rounded, firm, with distinctly raised toes.

Height: 3 types

Weight: 7kg for Lightweight

Boston Terrier - Disqualifying Condition

Blue Eyes OR Eyes have blue marks.

Dudley nose.


Solid black, solid tabby, solid color, no white markings required.

Grey or liver.