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2022-03-29 / 484 Read

  Alias           St. Hubert Hound    

English name             Bloodhound    

  Weight           (Male) 40.82―49.90kg      (Female) 36.29―45.36kg    

  Size           (male) no more than 28cm      (female) 58.4—63.5cm    

Origin             Italy    

hair loss :  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:Trainability:  
saliva Degree:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  


When Claudius Allienius (or "Allien") wrote his famous "History of Animals" in the 3rd century BC, he described a breed of hounds especially vividly, This hunting dog has an unparalleled ability to smell and is so decisive that it won't give up the trail if it can't find a prey. This early Italian scholar has provided us with a picture of this hunting dog, as it is today called, which, although greatly improved in appearance, still retains its particularly strong tracking and very weak quality of smell.

There is little evidence that the bloodhound has been around since its origins, but many authorities agree that bloodhounds were well known in Mediterranean countries long before the Christian era. It is known to be the modern representative of the oldest breed of the Smell Hound, the Pointer Hound, although centuries of selective breeding have, of course, altered its appearance from the breed lauded by the ancients. However, its features are so distinctive that canine scientists have explored it throughout canine history.

The bloodhound appeared in Europe long before the Holy War, with the first dogs coming from Constantinople. There are black and white varieties. The black breed was the famous St. Hubert hound in the 8th century, while the white breed later became the famous southern hound. Black blood was imported into the UK. Both breeds played an important role in the development of other hound and hound breeds.

In the 12th century, when bishops happened to use dogs as means of transportation, church dignitaries were among the first to develop bloodhounds. A large number of high priests support a pack of hounds, and the field is an important part of every monastery. It is a great honor for them to keep the dog's blood pure. In fact, the breed was so carefully bred that it came to be known as a "hound of fine pedigree," which means of the nobility.

Centuries later, the famous English physician and dog lover Dr. Johannes St. Gaius gave us a different interpretation of the name of this hound, and his description of the breed is very interesting.

The larger species have been noticed, they also have drooping lips and ears, and are famously known for catching the smell of blood, not only while the prey is alive, but also after it dies. follow its prey. Whether the prey escaped the hunter's grasp alive after being wounded, or was taken from the field dead (with plenty of blood anyway), this hound can instantly detect and follow traces by smell. For this reason, they are called bloodthirsty dogs.

However, since thieves will keep the stolen animals from spilling blood, they are very smart enough to follow human footsteps without bloodstains over long distances, and can find out what to look for in large groups of people. People come, they continue to track even through the thickest bushes. Even have to go for a swim when crossing a river. When they reach the other side, even if they don't happen to spot the thief at first, they will circle around to find the way the thief has traveled. In this way, they make up for good luck by skill. And they fit the description of Allion in his "Animal History" book.

While the Bloodhound developed into its modern form approximately in England, it was most developed in the United States in terms of its usefulness. This hound has been famous in America for a century. Abolitionists once painted a moving picture of poor runaway slaves being chased by bloodhounds, but it is doubtful whether many of the hounds (and quite a few in the South) were used in this way. Mongrels are often referred to as "police dogs," and no doubt some of them were used to hunt down slaves.

The purebred bloodhound is the most docile of all breeds. Unlike police-trained dogs, its tracking is its own way of life more than anything else. It never attacks anyone it tracks. Once it has followed the trail with results, its mission is over. But it follows the trail so precisely that the evidence it traces could be used in court.

Some of America's largest bloodhounds have helped police departments complete convictions more than the best human detectives. One dog was honored for completing more than 600 valid convictions. The famous dog "Nick Carter" found out the trace after 105 hours and followed it to make the later evidence for conviction. This record is dated to the early 19th century. Owners have proven that a good bloodhound can be a dog show champion and; the National Police Department's Bloodhound Association police and an increasing number of volunteers in investigations and rescues across the country allow the bloodhound to do its traditional job as much as possible. The stamina and determination of this breed are shown in

the ability to travel great distances. Several experimental dogs tracked and chased the target for more than 50 meters, and one dog guided the detective to track the target for 138 meters, and finally succeeded.

The Bloodhound learns quickly when it comes to obedience, but can be a little stubborn unless taught to like this type of work. The number of companion dogs has been increasing in recent years, and some have become c.p.x and utility dogs.

Bloodhounds were displayed in the United States almost in the early days of organized dog shows in the United States. The Bloodhound Club of America, a national hunting dog organization, has authorized enthusiasts to hold special shows.

FCI Standard for Bloodhounds


Alias : St. Hubert Hound In character, it is very affectionate, neither quarrelling with its companions nor with other dogs. It is somewhat timid by nature, and is equally sensitive to the kindness and reproach of its master.

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Originated in Belgium, alias St. Hubert hound (st.hubert hound), is the world's oldest and purest blood is one of the largest olfactory hounds.



In terms of personality, it is very loving and does not quarrel with its companions Not arguing with others. It is somewhat timid by nature, and is equally sensitive to the kindness and reproach of its master. The expression is noble and dignified, showing the characteristics of seriousness, wisdom and power, and the personality is restrained, conservative, docile, kind, and dignified and easy to think deeply. Usually quiet and submissive when indoors, loyal and kind when dealing with humans.

FCI Criteria:

[Overall Appearance] To the fullest of every point and characteristic of a hunting dog that hunts by smell. It is very powerful and pays more attention to the ground than other breeds. The fur is thin and extremely fluffy to the touch, and the deep folds of the skin on the neck and head are particularly noticeable.

【Height】The average height of adult male dogs is 66.0 cm, and that of adult female dogs is 61.0 cm. Males usually vary from 63.5 to 68.6 cm, and females from 58.4 to 63.5 cm; however, in any case, when combining characteristics and qualities, taller bodies are best.

【Weight】The average weight of an adult male dog is generally 40.82 kg, and that of an adult female dog is 36.29 kg. Male dogs can reach 49.90 kg, female dogs can reach 45.36 kg. When considering quality and proportion, the larger weight is the best.

【Expression】The expression is noble and majestic, showing the characteristics of seriousness, wisdom and power.

【Head】Its head is somewhat narrow in proportion to its length and longer in proportion to its body, slightly narrower from the temporal portion to the end of the snout, so that when viewed from above and the front, Its appearance is flat on both sides. Its head is almost the same width throughout its length. Laterally, the outline of the upper part of the skull is almost level with the foreface. The length from the tip of the nose to the depression (between the eyes) should not be shorter than the distance from the depression to the bulge (apex) behind the occipital bone. The length of the entire head from the rear of the occipital eminence to the end of the muzzle should be 30.5 cm or more in males and 27.9 cm or more in females. Skull - Skull

Bone is long and narrow, with a very prominent cusp of the occipital bone. Although the forehead is not prominent, it looks prominent due to the sunken eyes. Foreface - The foreface is long, deep and very broad, with a square profile when viewed from the side. Eyes - The eyes are set deep in the sockets and turned outward as the lower lid is dragged down by the heavily drooping upper lip, and the lids are lozenge or diamond shaped. The eyes are consistent with the overall tone of the Hound's coat, ranging from hazel to yellow. However, russet retrievers are rare, but hazel eyes are best. Ears - The ears are thin and soft, exceptionally long, set very low, gracefully closed and drooping, with the ends curled inwards and backwards. Mouth - Scissor bite is optimal, a horizontal bite table is acceptable.

【Wrinkles】The head is rich with a lot of loose skin, and almost every part appears too much. But more specifically, when the head is lowered on it, the skin begins to limp, sag, wrinkle and overlap, especially on the forehead and sides of the face. Nostrils - The nostrils are large and open. Lips, lip flaps, and flaps - in front, the lips are squared so that they are at right angles to the upper line of the front face; in the back they form a deep, overhanging upper lip and continue to droop near the neck, creating wrinkles from sagging skin , forming a very prominent wattle. These traits are also present in bitches, although to a lesser extent.

[Neck, Shoulders and Chest] Neck long, shoulders muscular and sloping back; ribs well elastic; chest well set between forelegs, forming a deep sternum.

【Leg and Feet】Forelegs erect with large bones, elbows at right angles to body; feet strong and well-developed knuckles; hip and second femoral (shin) muscles well developed; hocks well-proportioned Bend, extending down and at right angles to your body.

【Back and waist】The back and waist are strong, and the waist is deeply sunken and slightly arched. Tail - The tail is long and tapered, set fairly high, and well-furnished.

Gait: The gait is springy, active and free, with the tail held high but not bent over the back.

【Coat Color】The coat color is dark brown, russet and red, the darker coat is sometimes distributed with light or badger coat color, sometimes with white markings. A small amount of white is permitted on the chest, feet and tip of the tail.