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Black Russian Terrier

2022-04-01 / 483 Read
  • Stickness:

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  • Friendliness:

  • Hair loss:

  • Beauty Level:

  • Body Odor Level:

  • saliva level:

  • Trainability:

  • Active:

  • City Moderate:

  • Cold Hardiness:

  • Heat Resistance:

  • Motion level:

Black Russian Terrier Breed Introduction

The Black Russian Terrier is a large, energetic dog. The dog is large and muscular. This breed originated in Russia and was used as a protective guard dog . It must be well-proportioned, good-natured, loyal, of courage and strength, and of great endurance. The dog must have a huge frame and heavy bones. Females are noticeably softer, but not physically weak.

Tchiorny Terrier and Black Russian Terrier (or Russian Black Terrier) refer to the same variety, but UKC is divided into two "independent" varieties, Tchiorny Terrier and Black Russian Terrier. And the groups listed are different, the Tchiorny Terrier is in Terrier - Group 7 (Group 7: Terriers) and the Black Russian Terrier is in Guardian Dog - Group 1 (Group 1: Guard Dogs). I don't know if this is UKC's fault, or if the editor who entered pets is ignorant.

Dress up this breed in a show with a clear profile. Dogs can be groomed, but they cannot show special styling.

History of the Black Russian Terrier

The breed was adopted in the Red Star Barracks in the Soviet Union and crossed with the Large Schnauzer, Eller Dalle, Rottweiler and many other breeds The way it developed, it was a recognized dog breed in the 1940s, and its standards were revised in 1993.

Black Russian TerrierCharacteristics

Black Russian Terrier is a relatively confident working dog. It will be a little alienated in the face of strangers, but it can play well in competitions and has strong adaptability Therefore, the dog is strong, studious, easy to train, and can accept high-challenge training.

The Black Russian Terrier is a peaceful, confident, courageous dog who can sometimes be quite assertive and even a little alienated from strangers. They are very smart and very reliable. More active, energetic, hardy, stable temperament, very active.

Their minds translate quickly, have strong judgment, and are vigilant. They are always ready to defend, and will never attack for no reason. It is suitable for people with good living conditions, experienced dog raising and plenty of free time.

Black Russian TerrierLifestyle

The character and temperament of the Black Russian Terrier is extremely important. The behavior in the competition should be easy to control, voluntary, adaptable, and should be trained to obey the assessment.

Black Russian TerrierFeeding

Keeping a Black Russian Terrier is probably the most worrying thing for the owner The question is probably what foods will make dogs healthier? Generally speaking, there is no one best, only the best for your dog is the best. Below are some of the more healthy foods.

The healthiest pet foods are well-researched, Homemade food from fresh ingredients. This should include both raw and cooked food. The word "well researched" is scary. In my opinion, someone who can make this kind of food is almost a zoo keeper. However, even if it is not so fully researched, it is better than other foods.

Second healthy pet food is the perfect match to our commercially available frozen raw or dehydrated food. The word "perfect match" is also quite scary, not just a chicken rack or a few slices of dehydrated jerky. Note that dehydrated food refers to food that has only been dehydrated, which is different from what we usually call dry food, and it does not only refer to dehydrated jerky. In addition, we can also see from this article that "raw food flow" is highly rated, but it is also conditional, and it is not placed on the healthiest level. Once again healthy pet food is high quality wet food.

Black Russian TerrierIdentification Selection


Head and Body in a certain proportion. Should look strong and strong. The head should be of strong structure, moderately wide and strong. It looks well-proportioned from the side. The head consists of two planes. The back of the head to the muzzle is separated from the corner of the eye. The back of the head is fully developed. The forehead is flat, with a distinct but indistinct stop. The male's head is distinctly masculine, while the female's is softer.


The ears are set high, rather small and triangular. The front edge should fit snugly against the cheek. The length of the ear should reach the outer corner of the eye. The low position of the ears on the head is a defect. It can't be ear clipping.


The eyes are medium size and dark. The eye frame is black, there is no sagging, and there is no hiccup. The eyes are oval. Light-colored eyes are a serious defect.


The nose is big and black. The nose is not black.


The muzzle is slightly shorter than the back of the head. The ratio of muzzle to back of head length is about 4 to 5. The lips are plump, closed, and black. There is no sagging. Gums are black. Black markings on the tongue are allowed. Teeth are large and white. Have a complete tooth system. The front teeth form a straight line at the root. Scissor bite. The absence of any tooth is a serious defect. Bite with prominent upper jaw or prominent lower jaw is a disqualification.


Forelegs are straight and muscular, and hindquarters are muscular and well-boned.


The paws are large, compact, and rounded. The pads are thick and hard. The nails are short and black. The rear dewclaws should be removed.


The tail is set high, thick, and docked, leaving 3 to 5 tail bones. No points will be deducted for nonstop.


Messy double coat. The outer coat is rough in texture. The undercoat is thick and soft. The coat is 1.5 to 4 inches long and covers the entire body. The coat is messy, but not wiry or curly. Grooming: Dress up this breed in a show with a clear appearance; dogs can be Grooming, but not showing a deliberate shape; the hair inside and outside the ears should be trimmed, and the ears should lie flat on the head.


The Black Russian Terrier can only be black or black with little gray. Any other color is disqualified.


The movement of the Black Russian Terrier is free, with smooth, light, brisk movements. Movement should be balanced and smooth. As the Black Russian Terrier moves faster, the feet converge on a centerline. The topline should remain level.