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Bichon Frise

2022-03-17 / 398 Read
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Bichon Frise Breed Introduction

Bichon canine (French: Bichon Frisé, meaning "white curly puppy") is a Small dogsBreeds. Originating in the Mediterranean region, it was originally called the Barbican, and was later shortened to the Bichon. is a common pet, similar in appearance to Maltese. They do not shed naturally, so the hair needs to be groomed. The color is generally white. The gait of the Bichon Frise is well-proportioned. Its movements are elegant, flexible and cute. Overall, the Bichon Frise is a small dog, strong, cute, with a small fluffy tail attached to the back and a pair of curious black eyes. The standard Bichon Frise is between 9.5 inches and 11.5 inches in height at the shoulder, and weighs around 3-6 kilograms. The eyes are round, black or dark brown, and the ears are drooping.

Bichon Frise/Bichon Species Distribution

Bichon Frise was previously found in Tenerife, Canary Islands ) to reproduce, and later the Bichon Frise followed the Spanish sailors from one continent to another. In the 13th century, Italian sailors discovered this small dog, so they brought it to the European continent and became a pet dog of the noble class.

The origin of the development of the Bichon/Bichon

Introduced to France in 1515 under Francis I, the dog was in In its heyday, and in several elegant paintings of famous Spanish painters, the lifelike and charming style of Bichon Frise can be seen.

At the end of the 18th century, it declined for a time, and it could only follow the street performers and live on the streets.

But after the 20th century, the Bichon Frise flourished again and became popular all over the world. The dog was officially introduced to the United States in 1956, was recognized in 1972, and made its first appearance at the Crufts Show in London in 1980.

Bichon FriseCharacteristics

Like meat, play, and eat.

CurlyBichondog is a small, muscular, white powder puff dog with a cheerful His temperament can be seen in the ba and curious eyes that he curls up like a feather happily behind his back.

General Bichon Frises are more lively and active, they need a lot of exercise, and the fur is very difficult to take care of, so you must do psychological preparation and necessary homework before raising . Bichon is an animal that needs a certain amount of exercise. It is suitable to have a certain time every day for it to run and play to its heart's content, or to let it walk in the yard by itself or take it out for a walk.

The Bichon Frise is friendly, lively, intelligent, has an excellent memory, and can make a variety of actions to make people laugh. Because they are accompanied by people for a long time, they are very attached to people, very friendly, and are good family companion dogs. The only downside is that it needs to be groomed frequently, and daily maintenance takes up a lot of time.

Living habits of Bichon Frise

CurlyBichondog is a petite, muscular white puff-shaped dog with a cheerful disposition that is reflected in his feathered slack tucked behind his back and curious eyes.

General Bichon Frises are more lively and active, they need a lot of exercise, and the fur is very difficult to take care of, so you must do psychological preparation and necessary homework before raising . Bichon is an animal that needs a certain amount of exercise. It is suitable to have a certain time every day for it to run and play to its heart's content, or to let it walk in the yard by itself or take it out for a walk.

The Bichon Frise is friendly, lively, intelligent, has an excellent memory, and can make a variety of actions to make people laugh. Because they are accompanied by people for a long time, they are very attached to people, very friendly, and are good family companion dogs. The only downside is that it needs to be groomed frequently, and daily maintenance takes up a lot of time.

BichonAdvantages and disadvantages

Like meat, play, and eat.

The three toy dogs we often talk about are BichonDog, Mini Schnauzer, Teddy dog. All three dogs are widely bred, the Bichon Frise due to their size It is petite and has white hair, so it is loved by many girls. Before raising a Bichon Frise, I habitually ask, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Bichon Frise, and is it worth keeping?

Practice has proved that Bichon Frise is still very good and qualifiedpets dogs. Bichon Frise has both advantages and disadvantages, but this does not affect its getting along with people. Learn to master certain dog raising methods and skills, know how to treat pet dogs, How to take care of a dog, then raising a Bichon Frise will be an easy task.

Among the three major toy dogs, the Bichon Bichon is behind the Miniature Schnauzer and Teddy, Bichon Frise is not as alert as the other two dogs. If Teddy is suitable for housekeeping, Bichon Frise may be slightly less alert. worse than it. In addition, Teddy and Schnauzer are terrier dogs, which are more prone to shedding than Bichon Frise.

The Bichon Frise is more clingy in life. It is eager to get the attention and attention of the owner, and hopes to play with the owner. In contrast, Bichon Frise may not be as independent and strong as Teddy and Schnauzer. If you are a person who likes to be clingy to dogs, then Bichon Frise is very suitable for you. If you want to find peace and quiet in the process of raising a dog, then it is better to choose Schnauzer and Teddy.

The Bichon Frise is very friendly, lively, and has a good memory ability. They do a variety of actions and make their families laugh happily. Of course, it will not be friendly to many strangers. If you dare to threaten it, the Bichon Frise will never be afraid, because it will kill you.

Bichon FriseFeeding method

Domestic puppies eat regularly every day, and it is easy to be picky. As a consequence, you cannot control Bichondogs when should they eat (I'm not hungry right now!), or what to eat (I Don't like this!), and how much to eat (I'm full after three!), feeding is no longer a good time for you to communicate with your dog, it's become a fight between the two of you. What should I do?

First of all, through careful observation and physical examination if necessary, confirm that your dog does not suffer from any disease, but is simply picky eater.

While feeding, give him a normal amount of food and wait 10 seconds. If he starts eating within 10 seconds, fine. If he's dawdling, or sniffing and running away to play, put away the meal and don't give any food until the next feeding time.

If he eats your meal quickly, that's fine. If there is a little left, estimate the amount of food left, and feed him half the amount he eats at the next feeding. For example, if you give 100 grams this time and he eats 80 grams, next time please give 40 grams. If he continues to lick the bowl after eating and wants to continue eating, the next time he feeds (not this time!), he can increase his meal size by 20% on the basis of this time. And so on until he returns to his normal appetite.

Some dogs are very stubborn and can go without food for three or four days until you give in. At this time, it is time for you to compete for will. You know, as long as there is enough water, going without food for three or four days or even longer will not harm your dog's health. People who are always worried that their dog will starve to death cannot raise healthy dogs.

As a supplement, you can try feeding your dog a B-complex vitamin, one per ten kilograms of body weight per day. B vitamins can promote the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, improve the dog's appetite.

Curly-haired Bichon Identification and selection

(1) When purchasing, you should examine the dog's appearance and characteristics, It is required that the selected objects basically meet the various standards, and there should not be too much difference.

(2) This dog is associated with MalthysThere are many similarities, which must be distinguished when purchasing. The difference between them is that the coat of the "horse" dog is long and straight, while the coat of the "curly" dog is curly; the "horse" dog has longer limbs Growing up, "rolled" dogs have shorter limbs.

(3) The upper and lower incisors are required to be bitten by forceps, the lips are black and drooping, and the nose is round and black.

(4) The eyes should be slightly rounded but not prominent, and dark in color, and the edge of the eye is also dark in color.

(5) The upper and lower jaws protrude forward, the nose is pink, the color of the eyes and around the eyes is light, and the coat is mixed with black little devils.

(6) Those whose limbs are like those of a cow, whose muzzle is short and thick, whose teeth cannot bite or are missing, and whose tail is standing upright on the back or drooping, should not be selected.

(7) The neck is too thick and short, the body is curled, the head is often drooping, and the tail is hairless.

(8) It is not advisable to choose those with unrecovered digestive tract disease and with yellow stains or feces around the anus.

(9) The coat should be as white as jade, long and slightly curved, and full of energy.

(10) A dog with a high head and tail, a brisk and graceful gait, and a triumphant demeanor is a desirable dog.

Body Size

Size: Males and females are about 9.5 inches to 11.5 inches tall at the withers, and symmetry is a priority. If beyond this

Bichon Size range, but proved to be very good individuals, allowing for appropriate relaxation of standards. But in any case, shoulder height should not exceed 12 inches or lower with 9 inches. Minimum shoulder height standards do not apply to puppies.

Proportion: Body length (approximately 1/4 from the chest?? The distance from the withers to the base of the chest is approximately 1/2 the distance from the withers to the ground. Physique: compact, with medium bone mass .Neither rough nor slender.


Expression: Soft, deep eyes, curious and alert.

Eyes: Round, black or dark brown, located on the head, facing forward. Eyes that are too large or protruding, almond-shaped, and slanted are all defects. Around the eyes, dark or very dark brown skin Surrounding the eye, which is a must to accentuate the eye and accentuate the expression. The eye rim itself must be black. The under-pigmentation or complete lack of pigment in the rim of the eye, resulting in an expressionless or sluggish look, is a distinct defect. Eye Color Any color other than black or dark brown is a serious defect and will be severely punished. Ears: drooping, hidden in long, flowing hair. If the ear is pulled towards the nose, the pinna can extend to the muzzle Middle. Ears are set slightly above eye level and relatively forward of the head. So when he is alert, the ears become part of the face. Skull: Slightly arched, allowing a rounded arc towards the eyes.

Stop: Slightly clear.

Muzzle: Very well-proportioned head, muzzle to head length ratio of 3:4, muzzle length from nose to outer corner of stop The dashed line connecting the tip of the nose exactly forms an equilateral triangle. The outline below the eyes is slightly defined. But not so much that it creates a weak or tapered foreface. The lower jaw is strong.

Nose: prominent , and always black.

Lip: Black, fine, but not drooping.

Bite: Scissors. Serious defect. Crooked or misaligned teeth are permissible, but missing teeth are a serious defect.

Back of neck

Neck: Long and proud Elevated and erect behind the head. Smoothly blends into the shoulder blades. The length of the neck, from the occiput to the withers, is approximately 1/3 of the distance from the forechest to the buttocks.

Topline : Horizontal, except for a straight, muscular and arched loin.

Body: Thorax fairly well developed, wide enough to allow free and unrestrained movement of the forelegs. The lowest point of the chest extends at least to the elbows. Ribs Moderately propped up, extending back to short, muscular loin. Chest well defined and protruding slightly forward of shoulder joints. Lower belly curve moderately raised.

Tail: Well-feathered, Set flush with the topline, curled gently over the back, so the hair on the tail rests on the back. When the tail is extended toward the head, at least halfway to the withers. The tail is set low and raised to the rear back vertical Position, or tail drooping back, are serious defects. The spiral tail is a very serious defect.


Scapula: The shoulder blade is approximately the same length as the upper arm bone. The scapulae are tilted back, about a 45-degree angle. The upper arm bones extend back, viewed from the side, so that the elbows are just below the withers.

Forelimbs: Medium bone; forearm and wrist neither arched nor curved.

F-bone: Slightly inclined relative to the vertical. Dewclaws can be removed.

Paws: Tight and round, like so-called cat feet, pointing straight ahead, neither turning in nor out.

Foot pads: black.

Toenails: Controlled in a relatively short state. The hindquarters are of medium bone mass. The thighs are well angled, well muscled and slightly wide apart. The first and second thighs are roughly equal in length and held together at a moderately flexed knee joint. The hind legs are completely perpendicular to the ground from the hocks to the feet.


The texture of the coat is most important. The undercoat is soft and thick, and the outer coat is coarse

curly. The combination of the two hairs creates a soft, firm feel to the touch that feels like plush or velvet bouncy when patted. After bathing and brushing, the coat stands on the body, creating an overall puff effect. A bristle coat is undesirable. Soft coats, silky coats, coats that lie flat against the body, or lack of undercoat are very serious faults.