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Anatolian Shepherd Dog

2022-04-06 / 611 Read

  Alias           Anatoya Sheepdog    

English name             Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Anatolianpaimenkoira    

Weight             (Male) 50-68kg      (Female) 36-54kg    

  Size           (Male) 73.66cm      (Female) 68.58cm        

  Origin           Turkey  

Stickness:  Happiness:  
hair loss Degree:  Body odor level:  
Beauty Frequency:  Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:    Trainability:  
saliva level:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  City Fitness:  

Anatu Shepherd


Anatolia is a guardian, originated in Turkey, Possibly 6,000 years old, impressive in size, it has always served as a Turkish shepherd, playing an important role in warding off invaders. The breed is resistant to the harsh conditions of Turkey and has gradually evolved to adapt to the nomadic lifestyle of the shepherds. Loyalty, independence, and sturdiness are three traits that breeders appreciate most. The dog first entered the United States in the 1950s. It is a very faithful guardian dog, but is not considered a "charismatic breed". The Anatolian Shepherd has won the praise of the owner with its high wit and faithfulness to the work, but its strong independent character determines that it is slow to respond to commands.

FCI Standard of Anatu Sheepdog

Anatu Shepherd

Alias: Anatoya Sheepdog Alert and intelligent, calm and cautious. Naturally protective, he is brave, but also adaptable and loyal.

Click to enter Anatu Sheepdog Club

 Anatu Shepherd


Originated in Turkey, it has lived in Turkey since the Babylonian period (2800-1800 BC). At first the Anatu Shepherd was used as a military dog, and now people use it to herd sheep.

Anatu Shepherd


Alert and intelligent, calm and cautious. Naturally protective, he is brave, but also adaptable and loyal.

Bloodhound Zone

FCI Criteria:

[body size]

Generally speaking, body shape is more important than size. Males are 29 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 110 and 150 pounds, well-proportioned and well-structured. Standing approximately 27 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing between 80 and 120 pounds, it is well-proportioned and well-structured. Neither male nor female dogs should appear obese, and both sexes should have rectangular body proportions, a standard that applies to dogs over 2 years of age.


The expression is very clever. The eyes are medium in size, set apart, almond-shaped, and are dark brown to light amber in color. Blue eyes or inconsistent eye color is a disqualification. Eye circles are black or brown, no sagging or sagging eyelids. Insufficient pigment is a serious defect. The ears should be positioned higher than the top of the head. The ears are V-shaped with rounded tips and about 4 to 6 inches in length. The length of the tips of the ears should just hang down to the outer corners of the eyes. The ears should be drop ears, erect ears are disqualified. The skull is large, but in proportion to the body. The midline is slightly wrinkled, from front to back, from stop to back of head. Male dogs are wider than female dogs. The muzzle is darker, the muzzle of the male dog is stronger, neither the male nor the female dog should have a rude head and muzzle. The nose and lips must be black or brown. Seasonal fading is allowed. Insufficient pigment is a serious defect. The upper lip is reasonably compact, but sufficient to give the appearance of a "rectangular" muzzle. Strong and healthy teeth and gums. A scissors bite is ideal, but a pincer bite is acceptable. Broken teeth are not treated as defects. An overshot bite or a undershot bite and a twisted bite are disqualified.

[neck, topline, body]

The neck is slightly curved, strong and muscular, of medium length, with more fur on the neck than on the body, forming a A fur collar for protection. The throat should not be sagging or exaggerated. The topline should remain straight when walking. The back is strong, muscular and straight, with the withers set back and a slight downward arc to the croup as far as the loin. The body is well proportioned, without any exaggeration. Never fat or soft. The chest is deep (to the elbows), the ribcage is well expanded and well demarcated from the waist. The tail is long, extending to the hocks. The base of the tail is high, and the tail hangs down naturally and the tip of the tail is rolled upwards. When alert, the tail is held up and constantly "spinned". While walking, sagging or "spinning" is allowed. "Rotation" is ideal, the tail does not have to be fully extended.


Shoulders should be well muscled, well extended, with long, broad and sloping shoulder blades. The elbows are neither turned outward nor inward. The forelegs are relatively long and well boned, with straight forelegs and strong ankles. Feet are strong and compact, with arched toes giving the paws an oval shape. The toenails are short and thick, and the pads are thick and tough. The dewclaws may have been removed.


Strong, with broad thighs and plenty of muscle. The hind knees are well angled and the hocks are in proper proportion to the hindquarters. Viewed from behind, the legs are parallel to each other. Feet are strong and compact, with arched toes giving the paws an oval shape. There may be double dewclaws, which may have been removed.


The coat is short (about 1 inch long, not tight), coarse and loose (about 4 inches long), and the hair on the neck and The mane is longer and thicker. Thick undercoat is found on all parts of the body. Feathering on the edges of the ears, legs, rump and tail.


Any color and markings are acceptable.


When walking briskly, the gait appears strong, powerful and fluid. Viewed from the front or the back, the legs remain upright, neither bent in nor out, and the claws do not cross or interfere with each other. As the speed increases, the claws converge toward the centerline of the body. Viewed from the side, the forelegs should extend smoothly, with the withers and topline almost perfectly straight, with only slight rise and fall. The structure of the hind limbs allows for smooth drive, and the hocks can bend and stretch freely.


Alert and intelligent, calm and cautious. Naturally protective, he is brave and adaptable. He is very loyal. Born with a strong concept of territorial protection. He has reservations about strangers, and it's not a problem if the stranger is outside his territory. This breed usually does not respond lively. Excessive desire to dominate is also a disadvantage.


Blue or inconsistent eye color

Pricked ears.

A protruding bite or a protruding bite and a twisted bite.