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American Water Spaniel

2022-03-23 / 628 Read

  Alias           Large American Water Spaniel    

  English name           American Water Spaniel    

  Weight             (Male) 13.61-20.41kg      (Female) 11.34-18.14kg    

  Size           (Male) 38.1-45.7cm      (Female) 38.1-45.7cm    

  Origin           United States    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
hair loss :  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:    Trainability:  
Saliva Level:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  

History :

When, where and how it originated is still somewhat of a mystery. However, hunters in many parts of the United States have long appreciated the benefits of this breed. Since the breed was first recognized and bred in the Midwest, it is now believed that the breed evolved primarily in the Midwest. Although this statement is not absolute, the combination of coat color, coat, and breed-standard body composition suggests that the Curly Retriever and, more recently, the Old-Fashioned English Water Spaniel are its ancestors.

The American Water Spaniel was pure long before it was recognized by the United States in 1940, and it was never introduced to a dog show because its fans were very concerned that the display would damage it as a hound of outstanding talent, but they quickly realized that picking a dog of this breed for a competitive display could actually increase its value regardless of what they were born with.

As a hunting dog, the American Water Spaniel doesn't drop anything it wants, watching four or five shot down by a hunter, then quickly and happily picking them up one by one. For hares, grouse, quail, ring-necked, and wild ducks, the dog can be recovered carefully and without error. Its swimming skills are just as agile, so the injured waterfowl can rarely escape, and its tail can act as a rudder. effect, especially in rough waters.

FCI Standard for American Water Spaniels

American Water Spaniel 

Alias :None Behaves intelligently, likable and friendly. Has a great energy and thirst for hunting, but can be controlled in the wild.

Click through to American Water Spaniel Club


Midwest US

Character: Behaves intelligently, likable and friendly. Has a great energy and thirst for hunting, but can be controlled in the wild.

FCI Standard:

[Overall Appearance]

The American Water Spaniel is an adaptable hunting dog bred in the United States, capable of getting out of a small boat Launches, picks up prey, and works freely on land. The American Water Spaniel is active, muscular, medium in size, and has a wavy to curly coat. The key to good or bad breeds is proper size and proportions of parts, coat quality and coat color.

[American Water Spaniel Size, Proportion and Structure]

The height at the shoulder is 38.1 to 45.7 cm for both males and females. The male dog weighs 13.61 ~ 20.41 kg, and the female dog weighs 11.34 ~ 18.14 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller than males. As long as the proportions are correct, and the skeletal muscles are good and well-balanced, there is no preference for size within the above ranges in both sexes. Body length slightly longer than height, but divided into square or compact. Precise proportions, however, are of secondary importance to overall soundness and function of the breed. This breed is sturdy and muscular without being clumsy.

[American Water Spaniel Head]

The head must be in proportion to the body. Moderate length. The expression is alert, confident, intelligent and attractive. The eyes are medium in size, well spaced apart, slightly rounded, and should not protrude or bulge. The lips are tight, not sagging. Eye color can vary from fawn to brown, hazel or dark brown to match the coat color. Yellow eye disqualification. Yellow eyes are a vivid lemon color, not to be confused with fawn. The ears are set slightly above the eye line, but not too high on the head, and are flaky and long, extending to the nose. The skull is broad and full, with a moderate but not too prominent forehead. The snout is moderate in length, square, and has some depth. No tendency to be weak. Lips are tight and clean, without excess skin and without drooping lips. Nose deep pack, black or dark brown. The nose is broad and the nostrils are developed to ensure a good sense of smell. Scissors bite or pincer bite.

[Neck, topline and trunk of the American Water Spaniel]

The neck is round and medium long, strong and muscular, with no loose skin on the throat, head lifted, But the arch is not obvious. Topline flat or slightly sloping from acromion. The torso is well developed, strong but not too compact. A well-developed rib cage reaching to the elbows, neither too broad nor too narrow. Ribs expand but fail to expand enough to interfere with movement of the front legs. The loin is strong, but not belly-like. The tail is moderately long, bent in a rocker shape, and can be lifted slightly below or above the level of the back. The tail is tapered, with coat and moderate feathering.

[Forequarters of the American Water Spaniel]

The shoulder blades are sloping, clean and well muscled. Legs are moderately long, straight and well-boned, but not bulky and hinder field work. The palms are strong without weakness. Toes close together, webbed, pads well developed. The size of the feet is coordinated with the size of the dog. Dewclaws are allowed on the front legs.

[American Water Spaniel's hindquarters]

The well-developed hips and thighs and the entire hindquarters provide strength and propulsion. The hocks should be slightly rounded, should not be small and sharp in outline, and moderately angled. Moderate length from hock to pad, straight and strong, with good bone structure. The hocks are parallel.

[Coat of the American Water Spaniel]

Ranging from wavy (consistent waves) to tight curls. The amount of wave or curl varies in different parts of the dog. It is important to have a fleece layer that provides sufficient density to protect the body against harsh weather, as well as waterproof or prevent damage from vegetation. But the coat is neither too rough nor too soft. The throat, neck and back are well-coated. There is hair both inside and outside the ear, and the ear canal is obvious on examination. Forehead coat smooth, short, without crested. Tail to tip is covered with medium hair. Legs are moderately feathered in waves or curls in harmony with the overall coat. The coat can be trimmed for a neat appearance, and the ears can be shaved, but neither is required.

[Coat color of the American Water Spaniel]

Solid liver, tan, or dark chocolate, with small white spots allowed on the toes and chest.

[American Water Spaniel's Gait]

The American Water Spaniel has a good balance of reach and propulsion when exercising. In action, the elbows show no signs of extroversion. The hind legs are well muscled rather than bull-like hocks, the movement is as parallel as possible, the hocks are flexible and fully engaged, showing a strong and powerful appearance.