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American Cocker Spaniel

2022-04-30 / 451 Read
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American Cocker Spaniel Breed Introduction

USA cocaDog (American Cocker Spaniel), native to the United States, a bird dog from Spain, also known as Cocker Spaniel, Cocker, Cocker, AKC The classification belongs to the sporting dog group. It was introduced to England from Spain in the early 10th century and became an English variety, and then Brought to the U.S. to be bred and improved to become the current small dogs. Height: 36-38 cm for males; 34-36 cm for females. Weight: 10-13 kg. Coat colors include black, brown, red, buff, silver, and a mix of black and white. Gentle, affectionate, cautious; cheerful, lively; energetic, warm and friendly, alert and quick, cute and sweet in appearance, easy to obey, loyal to the owner.

Chinese name: American Cocker

Foreign name: American Cocker Spaniel

Pinyin: mei guo ke ka quan

Attribute: Domestic dog

Origin: Origin In the United States

Use: hunting dogs, companion dogs

American Cocker SpanielCharacteristics

United States Cockerdogs are native to the United States, due to this Dogs are mild-mannered, affectionate, and cautious; cheerful, energetic, warm and friendly, alert and agile, cute and sweet in appearance, easy to obey, and loyal to their owners. became one of the most popular pets dogs in America.

This dog is cheerful, stable, intelligent, and rational. If you let it work, it will be very responsible. Cocka can be excitable and excitable at times, and when he is happy, he will always wag his tail violently. Note that this behavior is also evident when it moves or hunts.

American Cocker dog-like Very unique, it has curly hair and long ears. Cocker Spaniels still prefer "children" who compete for favor. They will act like a spoiled child in order to compete for more favor from the master. Coca is cute and lively, docile and obedient, smart and alert, has strong self-esteem, and has a strong desire to express. Overall, Coca-Cola is a very suitable dog for family keeping.

The Cocker Spaniel was originally a bird hunting dog living in the wild. In life, they also need enough exercise to maintain a healthy and strong body. Therefore, Coca prefers to exercise, and it also needs enough exercise. If you keep it in the house for a long time, they will be unhappy, even irritable, depressed and dull because of it. The Cocker Spaniel cannot be cared for by its owner for a long time, and cannot go out to relax. It may be sluggish, depressed, and sick. So when you consider adopting a Cocker Spaniel, you should be well prepared and arrange a reasonable time to accompany him so that he can grow up healthy and happy.

American Cocker SpanielLife Habits

Gentle, affectionate, cautious; cheerful, lively; energetic, warm and friendly , Alert and agile, cute and sweet appearance, easy to obey, loyal master.

American Cocker SpanielAdvantages and disadvantages

In terms of personality, Coca is mild-mannered, intelligent, bright, but very cautious, warm and friendly with family and especially with children. It is obedient and loyal to its master. In life, Cocker Spaniels are lively and active, always have exuberant vitality, they are energetic and like sports. In terms of finishing, Cocker Spaniels are relatively easy to keep dogs, And it is more suitable for city dwellers.

Let   's talk about the disadvantages of the Cocker Spaniel. Some parents responded that the Cocker Spaniel is smart, lively and active, but sometimes overly lively. For example, they have a strong curiosity about the environment, they will bite shoes, chew the sofa, and always create some "surprises" for you. In addition, the Cocker Spaniel also has a pair of large ears with thick hair. To ensure that the Cocker Spaniel is healthy and clean, these ears must be taken care of in time, so this requires the owner to spend time and effort to complete. oh work.

The Cocker Spaniel has advantages and disadvantages, but different Cocker Spaniels also have different personalities and temperaments. Therefore, each Cocker Spaniel will have different strengths and weaknesses. If you want to understand your cocker spaniel, you have to observe and understand it in a targeted manner, pay attention to the dog's daily living habits and behavior habits, and know its advantages and disadvantages.

Feeding the American Cocker Spaniel

American cockerdog Lively and active, they should maintain an appropriate amount of exercise and allow them to move freely twice a day. They should be fed regularly and quantitatively every day, and they should not be allowed to gluttony; prevent overweight. Because the dog's hair is long, it is best to avoid tangling into a group, so it needs to be combed and trimmed every day, and bathed once every 8-10 weeks. Large lop-eared dogs are prone to ear diseases, and the ear canal should be cleaned frequently. Eyes should also be kept clean. Claws should be trimmed regularly, and superfluous toes should be removed.

American Cocker SpanielIdentification Selection

American cockerdogAlso known as Cocker Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Hound Terrier. Originally from the United States, due to the successful breeding and improvement of the Cocker Spaniel in the United States, it has become the current Small dog, identified and recognized in 1946, has become one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, mostly used as family play dogs.

Morphological characteristics:

You should choose a dog that is energetic, gentle, lively and alert. The coat should be long and wavy, thick and dense, and should not be short and sparse; the eyes should be round, gentle and dark; the ears should be long and drooping to the nose, rich in fur, long and wavy. The body structure is compact, the muscles are plump and strong, the chest is thick, the back is slightly sloping, and the tail is short; the limbs are stubby, strong and powerful, and the head is round. The snout is deep and the jaw is short and square; the fingers and claws are compact and cat-like, and the steps are graceful and not cluttered. Is witty, alert, gentle and touching.

Skull area:

Skull: Round, but not exaggerated, not tending to be flat; eyebrows well-defined. The bone structure below the eye is well-defined. Stop: Prominent Face:

1. Nose: The nose should be of sufficient size to balance the muzzle and foreface, with well-developed nostrils typical of sporting breeds. The nose should be black in black, black-white, black-brown dogs, and brown, liver-brown, or black in dogs of other colors, the darker the better. The color of the nose should coordinate with the eye sockets.

2. Muzzle: broad and deep. For proper balance, the distance from the forehead to the tip of the nose should be half the distance from the forehead up over the top of the head to the occiput.

3. Neck: The neck should be of sufficient length so that the dog's nose can easily touch the ground, well muscled, and the skin below the throat should not be too loose and sagging. The neck rises from the shoulders, arches slightly, and tapers slightly where it joins the head.

4. Topline: Slightly sloping down towards the strong hindquarters.

5. Back: The back is strong and evenly sloping, sloping slightly from the shoulders to the base of the tail.

6. Chest: The chest is deep, the lowest point is no higher than the elbows, and the front of the body is wide enough to accommodate the heart and lungs, but not so wide that it interferes with the straight forward movement of the front legs. Rib cage deep and well-curved.

7. Tail: Censored, the tail keeps a good continuation with the topline, flat to the topline or slightly higher, but not as straight as a terrier, nor too low to make the dog Appear timid. When the dog is moving, the tail moves cheerfully.


1. Forequarters: Forelegs parallel, straight, strong bones, well muscled, close to the body, just below the shoulder blades.

2. Shoulders: The shoulders are well set back, at about 90 degrees to the upper arm, so that the dog's front legs can move easily and step forward. The shoulders are well-defined, slightly sloping, without protrusions, and the tips of the withers are angled to allow adequate curvature of the rib cage.

3. Elbows: Viewed from the side, with the front legs perpendicular to the ground, the elbows are just below the highest point of the shoulder blades.

4.f bone: short and strong. The upper claws of the front legs can be removed.

5. Hindquarters: Viewed from behind, the hind legs should remain parallel both at rest and in motion. The hind legs are strong and muscular.

6. Hip: Broad, well rounded at the back, well muscled.

7. Thigh bone: Powerful and well defined.

8. Knee: moderately angled. Strong and tight, no slippage or looseness, no matter in static or moving state.

9. Hocks: Strong, set low. The upper claws of the hind legs can be removed.

10. Feet: The feet are compact, large and round, with hard horny pads; feet can neither be turned outward nor turned outward.

Gait: The Cocker, although the smallest breed in the sporting dog group, has a typical gait for sporting dogs. The gait is neat, smooth and easy, with ample stride. A good gait first requires the coordination of the front and rear. The driving force comes from the strong and powerful rear. The shoulders and forelimbs are properly constructed so that they can extend forward without balancing the rear by contracting the stride. strong impetus.