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2022-03-16 / 1259 Read

  Alias           Hericium terrier    

  English name           Affenpinscher    

  Weight           (Male)3-3.5kg      (Female)3-3.5kg    

  Size          (Male) 25-30cm      (Female) 25-30cm    

  Origin           Germany    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
hair loss :  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:  Kids Friendly:  
Yes Friendly people:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level :  Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  Urban Adaptation Degree:  



Originated in the 17th century, native to Germany, although the more famous Brussels-Griffin was bred There have been contributions, but there is currently no record of any monkey terrier ancestors.

The monkey-faced dog is a breed related to the Brussels long-faced hound. It has the features of an ape, with pointed ears, thick eyebrows, and tentacles. In the 17th century, the Germans used local dogs after many improvements to produce this new dog breed. By the end of the 19th century, it was still raised as a dog that women loved. The monkey face dog was fixed after the 20th century. There are many people who keep this kind of dog in Germany.

It got its name because of its ape-like appearance and quick movements.


Origin: Germany

English name:

Alias: Hericium terrier

Lifespan: 12-14 years


The usual disposition is playful, alert, curious but with great loyalty to his master and friends. This breed is generally quiet, but can become very aggressive when threatened and aggressive, and is very daring and not afraid of attackers.

FCI standard

body size

The bones are tight and strong, with medium bone mass without any overly slender bones. The height at the withers is approximately 9 1/2 inches to 11 1/2 inches, roughly equal to the length of the body (from the shoulders to the base of the tail), in square proportions overall, and may be slightly longer in females.


The head is well proportioned to the body, with a confident, monkey-like facial expression. The eyes are round, dark, bright, set in the middle of the head but not bulging, with black orbits. The ears are located above the skull, high and erect; natural ear shapes such as erect ears, semi erect ears, and button ears are acceptable as long as the monkey-like expression is not affected. The skull is round and arched, but not rough. The muzzle is short and gradually narrows in width towards the tip of the nose. The length of the muzzle is approximately the distance between the eyes. The nose is black and not turned up or down. The lips are black with a slightly protruding lower lip. The teeth are in a slightly overhanging bite. A spade bite is acceptable as long as it does not affect the monkey-like expression. Maxillary prominence is strictly prohibited. A crooked mouth is a serious defect, and the teeth and tongue should be invisible when the mouth is closed. The lower jaw is broad enough to line all the lower teeth.

Neck, topline, body

Neck short and straight. The topline is straight and flat. BODY - The chest is of medium breadth and depth, with moderately prominent ribs and a slightly drawn back belly. The back is short and flat, and the loin is strong and powerful. The chest and abdomen can be seen to form a streamline. The tail can be docked or unbroken, the length of the docked tail is 1-2 inches, the tail is high at the base and the tail is upturned. The tail that does not end is high and rolled up, gently resting on the back. The type of tail is not very important.


The forelimbs are well angled, the shoulders are moderately set back, and the shoulder blades are roughly the same length as the upper arm. The elbows are close to the body. The forelegs are straight from any angle. Midhand bone short and straight. The dewclaws are generally removed, and the pads and nails are black and compact.

Hind limbs

The angle of the hind limbs is moderately matched with that of the forelimbs. When viewed from the rear, the hips are straight and the legs are straight. When viewed from the rear, the rear skeleton is 90 degrees to the body Right angle, the knee joint is slightly bent, and the length of the thigh bone and the lower thigh bone are basically equal. The back elbow is angled.


The body and sides are covered with 1 inch long, dense, shaggy hair. The fur on the butt and tail may be slightly shorter. The hair on the head, neck, chest, abdomen and legs is slightly longer, with a few coarse hairs. Adults have a mane or cape-like bristles on the shoulder area. The top of the head, the position of the eyebrows, and the position around the whiskers form a monkey-like face. The hair on the ears is cut very short, and the correct coat requires a little grooming to maintain a neat, thick and thick look with varying lengths of coat on different parts of the body.


Black, gray, silver, red, black mixed with tan or variegated are acceptable. Black may be mixed with rust or a small amount of white, silver hair. Reds may range from reddish-brown to orange-red, variegated colors include black, brown, or mixed with some white and red, may be decorated with a little stain, and some dogs may have black "masks". A small amount of leukoplakia on the chest is allowed, but a large area of leukoplakia is disqualified. Color is not a primary consideration in the competition.


Light, free, correct, stable and confident, Affinpin walks with a comical yet earnest attitude. When he walks, viewed from the front or back, his legs are parallel to the other leg, and when trotting, the feet are concentrated in the middle to increase speed. Incorrect gait can be heavily penalized.