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Teddy Dog

2022-03-27 / 429 Read
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Teddy Dog Breed Introduction

Many people think teddy and VIP are two different species 's dog, in fact, teddy is just a way of grooming for poodles. The exact origin of the Poodle is unknown, but in the 19th and 20th centuries it was The development reached a peak, usually used for hunting, performances and so on. Teddy can be said to have become the most common breed until now, and almost many dog lovers will take this petite but intelligent dog as Pets.

Teddy aka Toy Poodle Dogs, popular in the French court from Louis 14 to Louis 16, miniature poodles and toy poodles appeared in 17th century paintings, they were also very popular in circuses in the 18th and 19th centuries, and were first introduced at the end of the 19th century. American, but it didn't become popular until after World War II and kept the honor of the most popular breed for 20 years. Poodles can also be called "curly dogs", are very intelligent and like to hunt dog breeds. Loyalty and positive personality also make it have many favorite "fans"

Poodles are divided into three types: standard type, miniature type, and toy type. There is also a huge and expensive, but it is relatively uncommon, the difference between them is only the difference in body size.

An important reason why many people like to keep teddy is that it is not easy to lose hair, and it does not smell much. Excellent adaptability makes it a very popular choice.


Teddy is intelligent, lively and good-natured, easy to get along with, and a loyal dog breed. Action is also very agile, intelligent and elegant, square structure, well-proportioned, powerful and confident in the pace, has extraordinary temperament and unique dignity, and may be a little stubborn at times, and Teddy "Versatile" is one of the easier breeds to train.

Generally, Teddy is lively and docile, but sometimes he may lose his temper, Dogs are actually the same as people, they can't be spoiled too much when they are young, otherwise their proud personality is likely to be difficult for their owners to tame when they grow up. PoodlePoodle is a very active, alert and graceful dog breed, with good body proportions and vigorous movements, showing a A confident gesture. After being trimmed in the traditional way and carefully groomed, the poodle will show a unique and noble temperament by nature.

General Appearance: A medium-proportioned, well-balanced dog with characteristic curls that are characteristic of curly or bundled coats. The appearance is intelligent, alert, lively, well-proportioned, and gives the impression of elegance and nobility.

Pros and Cons of Teddy

Pompous and good-natured, it is easy to get along with people and is a loyal dog breed. Action is also very agile, intelligent and elegant, square structure, well-proportioned, powerful and confident in the pace, has extraordinary temperament and unique dignity, and may be a little stubborn at times, and Teddy "Versatile" is one of the easier breeds to train.

TeddyFeeding method


Generally bought small The dog is about 2 months old, then you should wait dog foodFeed dog after it is completely soaked, 3-4 times a day , eat less and eat more meals, according to the shape of the poop to judge whether to feed more, the poop is soft, sometimes it may be thin, and the poop is dry and hard after feeding less, you can eat dry dog food for about 3 or 4 months, according to each Different gastrointestinal function adjustment times in dogs.

Babies within 6 months of age have immature gastrointestinal functions, so it is best to feed them dog food and water all the time (do not give them cold water and boiled water), egg yolks are fine, but whites are not easy to digest.

About   6 months, you can eat some meat food properly, but it is best to eat dog food all the time. If you eat something other than dog food, most babies don’t want to eat dog food anymore. For his health, please insist on giving him dog food.

Do not feed the dog to be full ~ 8 points is enough! The dog will eat as much as you feed it, and it will eat as much as it lasts. You can't do this, it will make your dog's stomach upset and easy diarrhea.

Note: small dogs cannot What to eat is probably these 1. Chocolate contains substances that can cause excessive excitement in dogs and death. 2. Grapes can affect dogs' vision. 3. Animal livers should not exceed 2 a week. 4. Milk Some dogs drink milk, which will cause diarrhea (never feed milk, it will cause diarrhea) 5. Foods with too much salt (and do not give no salt at all) cause hair loss 6. The bones of chickens and ducks The bones are harder and sharper. Small dogs may get stuck or stab their throats if they eat them. 7. Foods with too much oil. 8. Foods that are not easy to eat. 9 Onions and green onions Raw or cooked onions and green onions contain disulfide, which is harmless to the human body, but can cause oxidation of red blood cells in cats, dogs, sheep, horses, and cattle. May cause hemolytic anemia. 10 Mushrooms Edible mushrooms, mushrooms, etc. sold in the market are harmless to dogs. But still avoid letting dogs eat it, so as not to develop the habit of eating mushrooms and accidentally eat poisonous mushrooms in the wild. Of course this is unlikely.

Bathing and grooming

It   is not advisable to bathe a puppy for 1 month after birth. Take a shower a week after the vaccines are all done. To prevent colds, the resistance will decline, and more problems will arise. To be on the safe side, you must take a bath after all the vaccines have been administered. Don't feed them snacks such as chocolate, cakes, meat, etc. Especially chocolate is dangerous for them. The dog food should be soaked in warm water to soften, three or four meals a day, about seven or eight grains of dog food per meal. Do not feed milk. You can drink goat milk.

Winter: wash once every 10 days; summer: wash once every 7 days

You   can start shaving when you are 6 months old. If it is winter, it is recommended not to shave completely , otherwise the dog will catch a cold easily. The hair on the head can be left a little longer. Do not wash too often, otherwise the oil on the surface of the dog's skin will become dry and itchy after washing off. Before bathing, plug your dog's ears with cotton balls to prevent water from entering the ears and causing infection. And shearing the teddydog

Precautions for changing dog food

When your baby is growing up, if you want to change to a different brand of dog food, you can't change it directly. You must mix the old and new food together, otherwise it will cause Diarrhea. Teddy is not cheap, of course, you need to buy good dog food .

Dog food: It is recommended to not use dead animals, no harmful substances such as inducers, preservatives, and big brand dog food.

Natural food refers to materials that do not contain animal carcasses, animal by-products, etc. Dog food that does not use harmful substances such as inducers and preservatives. Natural food is preserved with vitamin E, and there are no elements in it that are harmful to the dog. After long-term use, the hair and stool of the dog are healthier and more beautiful.

Commercial food refers to the dog food material mainly composed of 4D ingredients and their by-products. 4D ingredients are the abbreviations of animals in the following four states: Dead, Disejsed, Dying and Disabled. By-products refer to their internal organs, fur, etc. Although the material of commercial food is not attractive to dogs, by adding a lot of food attractants, it is more fragrant in the past, and most dogs love it. eat.

Foreign research reports show that dogs fed with 4D ingredients and their by-products to make dog food have good health in the initial stage and very normal development, but in the later stage, compared to feeding pure natural dog food of dogs, their aging rate is more than 20% faster, their life span is 27% shorter, and there is a higher probability of illness, mainly concentrated in: immune system disorders, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, bladder cancer and other Degenerative diseases, etc.

Teddy dog identification selection

VIPs are divided into four types: Standard VIPs, Mini VIPs, Toy VIPs, and Giant VIPs. The coat color is also relatively uniform, and the coat color is generally chocolate, brown, red, white, brown, apricot, and black. It is better to have the same color all over the body, of course, some shades of color are acceptable. The only criterion for distinguishing these types of VIPs is their size.

Toy: 10" (28cm) or less Mini: 15" (38cm) or less at the shoulder and 10" (28cm) above Standard: 15" (28cm) at the shoulder (38 cm)

teddy's The eyes are dark, oval in shape, and look smart. The ears droop close to the head, the pinna is long and wide, and there are many ear hairs, so it should be cleaned frequently. The head is small and round, the nose is generally brown, the muzzle is long and slender, and the lips do not droop.

Its fur is divided into two types: coarse and soft. Shag: Natural coarse texture with very dense coat; Soft hair: Compact, smooth hanging, varying in length. The hair on the chest, body, head and ears is longer. The hair on the joints is relatively short and fluffy.

The neck is well-proportioned and strong, emphasizing its nobility, with a level topline with only a slight depression behind the shoulders. The chest is broad and stretched, the loin is short and broad, strong and strong, and the tail is straight and raised upwards (many docked tails).

Teddy's feet are relatively small, with thick pads and short toes. There is also a lot of hair on the soles of the feet, so they should be cleaned frequently. When trotting forward, it has a brisk and powerful stride, relying mainly on hind legs for power. The head is high and the tail is upturned. The gait is firm and powerful.