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Dandie Dinmont Terrier

2022-04-18 / 540 Read
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Short Legs and Long Body Terriers Breed Introduction

Short-legged terriers are named after the dog breeders in the novels by Envoy Walter. Originally an excellent hunting dog for hunting mice, rabbits, otters, cave bears and other small animals. At present, this dog has attracted people's attention with its unique appearance and approachable temperament.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Origin: England

Height: 20cm to 27cm

Weight: 8 Kilogram to 10kg

Dandie Dinmont Terrier The Dinmont Terrier takes its name from the name of the dog breeder in a novel by Walter Codd. This dog attracts people's attention with its unique appearance and approachable temperament. The short-legged terrier is native to Scotland and is specialized in hunting mice, cave bears, otters, rabbits. The dog has a large head, long body, short feet, fluffy coat, and a crown of hair on the top of the head. The face always seems to maintain a melancholy and angry expression, which makes people laugh. Friendly and active, an excellent family watchdog, this dog has a loud bark. When on display, attention is focused on the dense crest, which must be trimmed regularly and carefully. The skull is broad and large, the jaws are strong and well developed, and the nose is black.

Short Legs and Long BodyCharacteristics

Lively and energetic. They do not approach strangers, or become very reserved in the presence of strangers. But he is very docile to his master, and he is very good at dealing with his master, and at the same time he is very stubborn. He is an alert dog with a voice full of courtesy and respect. Not suitable for family feeding with small children. People who like quiet can feel happy when they are with this dog.

Short Legged TerrierLifestyle

Friendly and active, an excellent family watchdog, this dog has a loud bark. When on display, attention is focused on the dense crest, which must be trimmed regularly and carefully. The skull is broad and large, the jaws are strong and well developed, and the nose is black. The head has a pepper-colored or mustard-colored crest. The expression is very angry. Large and round, with widely spaced, low-set eyes, dark brown. The ears are long, hanging close to the cheeks, and set behind the head. The chest is thick, the back is long and strong, and the waist is somewhat curved. Fairly long, with a mixture of soft and bristles, the coat is black to pale grey, reddish brown to mustard. The bones are thick and strong, and the hind legs are slightly longer than the forelimbs. The tail is thick and tapered at the base, with a beautiful spike on the underside. The tail is curved, balanced with the body, and erect when excited. Weight about 8 to 11 kg.

Short-legged and long-bodied terriersIdentification selection

Head: The head is large, but it is still the same as the body Proportion, well muscled, especially pronounced outside the cheekbones; broad skull, tapering to the eyes; rounded front of head; cheeks narrowing towards muzzle; muzzle deep and firm, bald and large at front, dark nose and corners of mouth Color; teeth solid and sharp, especially canines in a scissor bite; glabrous area of about 1 square inch at base of nose; head covered with silky petal-like soft feathers, the lighter the better, the muzzle feathers being darker than the crest . The head is strong and large, but in proportion to the dog's body. The muscles are well developed, especially the facial muscles. The expression is very decisive, intelligent and noble. The eyes are large, round, bright, but not prominent. The eyes are widely spaced apart, set low, and pointed forward. Eye color is dark brown. Eye circles are dark. The ears are set low, set back and farther apart. It hangs on the sides of the cheeks, slightly protruding at the folds. The shape of the ears is wide at the base and then gradually tapered. The ears are relatively thin. Ears are 3 to 4 inches long. The skull is wider between the ears, tapering towards the eyes, the distance from the stop to the back of the head is equal to the distance between the ears. The forehead (eyebrows) is hemispherical with a clear outline of the stop. The cheeks are tapered, extending from the ears to the muzzle, in the same proportions as the tapering of the skull. The muzzle is deep and firm. The ratio is 3 (muzzle) to 5 (head). The nose is slightly larger, black or dark. The lips and inside of the mouth are black or dark. The bite is a tight scissors bite. Teeth are very strong, especially canines, which are very important to small dogs In other words, its size is exaggerated. The canine teeth mesh with each other very well. The front teeth are neat, with 6 on each side.

Neck, Topline, Body: The neck is muscular, strong, and looks powerful. Well integrated with shoulders, medium length. The topline is lower than the shoulders, in a slightly downward arc, correspondingly, the loin is slightly arched. From the highest point of the waist, lean slightly toward the base of the tail. The muscles on both sides of the spine are well developed. From the top of the neck to the tip of the tail, there is a continuous and smooth contour curve. The body is long, strong and flexible. Ribs are well expanded and healthy. The chest is well developed and deep, between the front legs. The lower abdomen curve corresponds to the top line. The tail is about 8 to 10 inches long, with a stout base, about 4 inches long at the stout part, and then tapers off. The tail is set slightly lower than the line extending the curve of the rump. The tail is held behind the back, slightly above the horizontal line of the back, slightly curved in a crescent shape. When the dog is excited, the tail may be perpendicular to the body.

Forelegs: The shoulders are slanted back enough to allow room in the front. Balance with the angle of the hindquarters. The length of the upper arm is roughly equal to the length of the shoulder blade, the elbows are close to the ribs and are free to move. The forelegs are short, muscular, well-boned and well-spaced. The toes point very slightly outward. From the side, the front ankle is almost straight. Both the bent front legs and the violin front legs are faults.

Hindquarters: The hindquarters are slightly longer than the forelimbs, well spaced apart, but not unnatural. The upper and lower thighs are rounded, muscular, and roughly equal in length; the rear knee joint is bent at an angle corresponding to that of the front legs. The hocks are low and the hind ankles are almost perpendicular to the ground.

Paws: The paws are rounded with thick pads. Dewclaws on the forelimbs are preferably removed. The hind paws are much smaller than the front paws and have no dewclaws. Nails are strong and dark in color. Nail color matches that of the dog. White nails are allowed. Flat feet are a defect.

Coat: This is very important. The hair is about 2 inches long; the coat on the body is composed of 2/3 stiff and 1/3 soft, creating a floppy hair texture. The bristles differ from the wire-like bristles. The coat on the body is shortened by stripping. The coat is composed of down and pencil hair, and the coat effect is composed of these two kinds of hair. The hair on the lower body is slightly softer than the hair on the upper body. The hair on the head is very soft, like silk, it would be better if it could be like silk. The hair on the head is not just the bun, but also the upper part of the ears (including the folds) and around the eyes. The hair at the beginning of the ears is about 2 inches long, and the hair on the ears is sparse and roughly the same color and texture as the bun, giving the ears their distinctive appearance. The fur on the ears is short, soft, and velvet-like. The hair on the muzzle is roughly the same as that on the forelegs. However, the hair on the upper part of the muzzle is shorter. The hair behind the nose is naturally sparse, measuring 1 inch in length. The hind limbs are of the same texture as the forelimbs, but are much sparser. The hair on the upper part of the tail is looser than that on the body, and the lower part of the tail is softly feathered, about 2 inches in length,   gradually   shortening toward the tip of the tail, forming a crescent. Trimming is required, but must appear natural; exaggerated looks are not welcome.

Color: The color is pepper or mustard. Pepper colors can range from deep blue-black to bright silver-gray, but intermediate colors are ideal. The bun and ears are silver-white, and brighter colors are ideal. The legs and feet are brown in color, ranging from dark brown to fawn, mustard can range from reddish brown to fawn, and the bun and ears are cream in color. The legs and feet should be darker than the bun and ears. The shoulders and hips of both colors are gradually transitioned to the color of the legs. The lower part of the body is always lighter in color than the upper part. The hair on the muzzle (beard) is darker than the bun. The ear color is basically the same as the body color. The upper part of the tail is darker than the body, while the lower part is lighter to match the color of the legs. White hair on the chest is common.

Gait: Proper gait requires a relaxed and natural gait, with good forequarter guidance and good hindquarters drive. The movements of the legs are all in the same plane. Stiff, unnatural movements, jumping, swaying, and insufficient hindquarter drive are all faults. Strange pace, and long lasting. Mild, humorous, and likable in manner; loyal, tame, and affectionate to their owners; loves to play. Likes to hunt, especially love to catch mice. At present, most of them have become excellent play dogs, companion dogs and guard dogs with their peculiar appearances such as intelligence, short body, short limbs, and petal-like head hair.

Temperament: Independent, determined, reserved, intelligent. The Bantam Devon Terrier's nature combines expression and dignity with tenacity and boldness at work.

Defects: Those with erect ears, slender neck, short trunk, and long limbs are defects.