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2022-03-24 / 449 Read
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Affenpinscher is a well-proportioned, terrier-like toy dog, intelligent and personable, a very Good interiorPets. This dog originates from Germany, and its name "Affenpinscher" means "terrier like a monkey", which Breeds are bred to hunt rodents (such as mice) in kitchens and barns. In France, the breed is described as "Diablotin Moustachu" or bearded little devil. Both descriptions refer to the appearance and temperament of this attractive breed. The overall characteristics of Aifenpin are more important than a single characteristic. Its overall appearance should be neat and have many coarse hairs.


Translation: Affenpinscher

Alias: Affenpinscher, monkey face terrier, Affenpins

Made in Germany

Character: Has an honest side and has a deep affection for its owner.

Characteristics: Long whiskers, strong body, broken ears and tail. Coarse, wavy hair, especially long eyes, nose and jaw. The coat color can be mixed with the best black, black, red, and disgusting colors. In order not to make the hair disheveled, pay attention to trimming.

History and Uses: Covered with thick coats and a monkey-like face, it is a popular dog breed that once influenced Brussels puppies. It was improved from a native German dog in the 17th century and was kept as a pet by women in the late 19th century. It is agile and good at catching small pests. It is a German dog with the same quality.

Popularity: There are many fans in Germany.

Ai FenpinCharacteristics

The usual character is game-loving, alert, curious but has great feelings for his master and friends of loyalty and friendship. This breed is generally quiet, but when threatened, attacked It will become very intense, and very courageous, not afraid of attackers.

Affenpinscher Identification selection

General Appearance

A well-proportioned, hard-coated, terrier-like toy dog: very intelligent and a very good toy dog; in its German origin, Affenpinscher means "like a monkey" The terrier" is mainly used to catch rodents in kitchens, granaries and stables. Overall appearance is more important than individual features when evaluating monkey-faced dogs.

Important ratios

Equal body height and length, with a square body; bitches are slightly longer.


Brave, alert, curious, and very loyal to owner and friends; monkey-faced dogs are usually quiet, but change when threatened or attacked Very excited, never afraid of any attacker.

Head: The size of the head is proportional to the body, and the head is raised high

cranial region

Forehead: Round but not too long, not too heavy, arched at the top, prominent forehead with prominent depression lines.

Infraorbital ridge (stop): well defined.

facial region

nose: black

mouth angle: short and straight, not curved upward, The bridge of the nose is straight, tapering towards the tip of the nose; the length of the corner of the mouth is almost equal to the distance between the eyes.

Lip: Black, close to the jaw, the lower jaw slightly protrudes.

jaws/teeth: The lower jaw is prominent and wider; the lower teeth are straight and level, and fit snugly on the outside of the upper teeth; if there are monkey-faced dog features, the horizontal jaw is acceptable; When the mouth is closed, the teeth and tongue are not exposed. Absence of 2 PM1, PM2 or PM3, or any two of these teeth is allowed.

Eyes: Round, black, intelligent, medium in size, in proportion to the head, not prominent; the edges of the eyes are black.

Ears: high at the base and erect; ears may be erect, partially erect or drooping if kept natural; as long as the face has the characteristics of a monkey face dog, the ears are symmetrical, and the ears of all forms are acceptable.

Neck: The neck is short and straight. Topline level.

Body: Strong, compact, and square.

The top line is slightly sloping back from the senior carapace.

Withers is the highest point of the dorsal midline.

Back: Strong, short and tight.

Loins: Strong, short, short from last rib to hip, appearing short and stubby.

croup: Short, slightly rounded, mixed with the tail.

Chest: Flat laterally, moderately wide, extending beyond the elbow joint.

underline and belly: The underline and belly are somewhat parallel to the dorsal midline (from the elder to the tail), and the belly is slightly retracted.


The tail is high; the tail can be docked or the natural state of the tail can be maintained. The length of the tail after docking should be 2.5~7.6cm in between; the tail in its natural state rolls up over the back when in motion; the type of tail is not a major factor in judging the dog.



shoulders: muscular , Scapula long, sloping (about 45?) and flat.

Upper arm: Close to the body, muscular and strong.

Elbows: Well positioned, neither in nor out.

Forearm: Well developed, straight from any angle.

Carpus: Strong and strong.

Pastem: Straight when viewed from the front and at an angle to the ground when viewed from the side, well developed and muscular.

Forefeet: Short and round, close toes, arched (cat feet), pads of pads, black toes, short and strong. 9 PY$ `; f h


Angled from the side, parallel from the rear.

upper thighs: muscular and broad.

Stifles: Neither varus nor abducted.

lower thirs: long and powerful.

Hocks   : moderately angled

metatarsus: perpendicular to the ground.

Hindfeet: Slightly longer than the front toes, closely spaced, arched, short nails, black.


Light, balanced, confident. When the dog walks, from the front or back, the two front limbs or the two hind limbs are parallel, and the landing point of the four feet tends to the center line of the body when the walking speed is accelerated.


Applies to the entire body.



dense, coarse, hard; The coat on the shoulders and trunk is about 2.5cm long; the coat on the rump and tail is shorter; the coat on the head, neck, chest, abdomen and extremities is longer, fluffy and soft; the coat on the neck and chest of mature dogs Long, cape-like; head coat, whiskers, and eyebrows are long and erect, giving the monkey face a more monkey-like appearance; ear hair is usually trimmed short; dog's coat needs to be trimmed slightly , to keep it neat and fluffy.


Black, gray, silver, a mixture of black and brown with symmetrical patches, red from maroon to orange-red . Black-coated dogs may have rust-colored, white, or silver coats mixed in; red-coated dogs may have black, brown, or white coats; decorative coats may be lighter in color for dogs of various colors, and may have Black patches; small white patches on the chest are possible, but large patches are not ideal; coat color is not the main criterion for judging.


Height male/female 25cm~30cm.

Weight male/female 4kg~6kg.